Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Layered Zebra Pudding

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Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Zebra Pudding
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Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Zebra Pudding

Puding Zebra adalah variasi tampilan pudding dimana hasilnya nanti akan terlihat seperti ada lapisan-lapisan (layered) pada pudding tersebut. Jika kita menggunakan warna coklat dan putih, maka hasilnya memang akan terlihat seperti pola kulit pada kuda zebra. Dari sinilah nama Puding Zebra berasal.

Resep Pudding Zebra di bawah ini merupakan contoh procedure text yang mudah untuk dipraktekkan. Jika adik-adik ingin menampilkannya di sekolah sebagai proyek atau tugas kelompok, kakak yakin sekali kamu tidak akan kesulitan dalam mencari perlengkapan serta bahan-bahan nya. Ikutilah langkah-langkah dalam contoh procedure text di bawah ini untuk membuat pudding zebra yang lezat dan cantik.

How To Make Zebra Pudding (Cara Membuat Puding Zebra)
Zebra Pudding has beautiful layered pattern that look like Zebra. This zebra pattern is the biggest challenge in the process of making this delicious dessert. The following steps will ensure your success in cooking this menu.

3 packs of plain jelly powder / agar-agar powder (you can use “Swallow” or “Nutrijell”)
1.4 liter of water (make sure to use drinking water or make sure the water is drinkable)
3 eggs
70 gram of margarine
50 gram of Maizena (Corn Starch), liquify it with a little water
350 gram of sugar
15 gram of chocolate powder
40 gram / 1 sachet of white or vanilla condensed milk

  1. Break the eggs and pour it to a large bowl, add 350 gram of sugar into the bowl and put it in an electric mixer for several minutes until the mixture expands.
  2. Add 50 gram of Maizena (Corn Starch) and condensed milk into the mixture and put it back under the electric mixer for several minutes until all of them are mixed perfectly.
  3. Get a boiling pot ready on a stove and pour 1.4 liter of water into it. Add jelly powder / agar-agar powder and margarine into the pot after that turn on the stove until all of the ingredients mentioned earlier are completely melted and blend together perfectly. Don’t forget to keep stirring the mixture.
  4. Turn off the stove when the mixture is boiling. After that pour the hot mixture into the large bowl where we kept the eggs mixture earlier, stir it slowly by using spatula. When you are certain that all the mixture has blended perfectly, split the mixture into two equal portions and place it in two separate bowls.
  5. Pick one of the bowls and add chocolate powder into it in order to make the chocolate dough. Stir it by using spoon or spatula.
  6. By using a ladle, take a ladle full of white dough and pour it in the middle of a mold. After that by using another ladle, take a ladle full of chocolate dough and pour it in the middle of the white dough that we have poured in the mold earlier. Repeat this step until there is no more dough left in both bowls.
  7. Wait until the heat is gone and the texture started to thicken.
  8. Beautiful Zebra Pudding is ready. Take a piece to see the zebra pattern and to taste the delicacy of this pudding.

Selesai sudah contoh procedure text How to make Zebra Pudding kali ini, kakak harap langkah-langkah dalam resep di atas bisa adik-adik lakukan dengan mudah di rumah ya. Terimakasih banyak untuk kunjunganmu hari ini, mudah-mudahan adik-adik bisa mempelajari banyak kosakata baru melalui tulisan kakak kali ini. Sampai ketemu lagi dalam artikel lainnya, dan baca juga Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Silky Pudding.

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