10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek Bertemu Teman Lama

Hai adik-adik, apa kabarnya nih kalian semua? Kakak harap semuanya dalam kondisi sehat dan bahagia ya. Sudah begitu lama nih Kak Dikta tidak menerbitkan tulisan baru di blog ini, rindu rasanya berinteraksi dengan adik-adik dan sobat pengunjung semua. Seperti ini ya rasanya jika kita sudah lama tidak bertemu dengan teman lama, begitu banyak rasanya yang ingin diceritakan. Semoga saja melalui tulisan kali ini kita bisa menyambung lagi silaturahmi kita.

Dalam kesempatan kali ini, Kak Dikta ingin menampilkan 10 contoh dialog Bahasa Inggris pendek dengan tema “bertemu teman lama”. Silahkan baca dan pahami contoh-contoh dialog di bawah ini, kemudian manfaatkanlah sesuai keperluanmu. Jika setelah selesai membaca artikel kali ini kamu merasa masih membutuhkan contoh yang lebih banyak, silahkan kunjungi tulisan kakak yang berjudul “dialog Bahasa Inggris pendek”. – KakDikta.blogspot.com


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Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek Bertemu Teman Lama

Di bawah ini sudah kakak siapkan beberapa contoh dialog yang idenya berasal dari berbagai kemungkinan dimana kita bisa berjumpa dengan teman lama kita baik secara sengaja maupun secara kebetulan. Misalnya saja, ada beberapa contoh dialog dengan tema lokasi tempat umum seperti taman, jalanan, tempat wisata, toko buku dan sebagainya yang menurut kakak bisa saja menjadi tempat kita bertemu dengan teman atau kenalan secara tidak sengaja. Jika adik-adik ada saran atau ide baru yang bisa kita jadikan tambahan dalam kumpulan contoh dialog Bahasa Inggris kali ini, jangan ragu untuk menuliskannya di kolom komentar ya.

Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek saat Bertemu Teman Lama Di Taman

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A woman was sitting on a park bench when a guy suddenly came at her.

Julian: Angela??

Angela: Oh my God! Julian??

Julian: Yeah! It’s me, it’s Julian, the one and only, haha.

Angela: OMG I can’t believe it that I run into you.

Julian: Wait, technically, I’m the one who run into you. I mean you didn’t even realize I was here before I surprised you moments ago.

Angela: Owh, yeah, I’m really sorry about that. You know, I was just, I mean… I don’t even know what I am doing here.

Julian: No, no, no that’s alright. Don’t feel bad about it.

Angela: Yeah hehe, so, how are you? It’s so good to see you, you know.

Julian: Me? Ahh, I mean, there’s not much to tell, hehe. Business is good, life is good, you know, just an ordinary me. How about you? How have you been doing?

Angela: I’m good actually, or at least I’m trying to be. I just got divorced.

Julian: Owh, I didn’t know that. I’m so sorry to hear that.

Angela: No, don’t be. I’m happy now. Hei, you know what I’m so happy that we ran to each other today. Meeting familiar faces totally makes me feel better.

Julian: Yeah, me too. We should grab a cup of coffee right now. I mean if you are not too busy watching the sky just like what you did five minutes ago, haha.

Angela: Ha..Ha.. so funny Julian. Yeah, I think we should, but I’m actually meeting my therapist right now.

Julian: Hmm, okay. Is it a “she” or “he”?

Angela: It’s a “she” FYI, hehe. What are you getting at?

Julian: Hmm, nothing. Just checking if I have a chance to take you on a dinner haha

Angela: Woow, wooow, moving so fast, are we? Hahaha

Julian: Yeah, I mean, why not, right? So, is it a yes?

Angela: Yes for what?

Julian: The dinner of course.

Angela: Hmm.. Okay, okay.

Julian: Yes! That’s my girl. I’ll pick you up tonight at 7.

Angela: Do you even know where I stay?

Julian: Don’t worry about that, I’ll find you.

Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan dan Artinya

Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek saat Bertemu Teman Lama Di Jalan

Terkadang, secara tidak sengaja, kita bisa saja bertemu dengan orang yang kita kenal di jalan. Meski mungkin tidak lama, namun biasanya akan selalu terjadi percakapan pada momen seperti ini, apalagi jika yang kita temui adalah teman baik kita. Berikut ini adalah contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris pendek yang terjadi saat dua orang teman lama bertemu di jalan.

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Billy: Excuse me, can you show me how to get to Tisch Children’s Zoo?

James: Billy? You are Billy Burton, right?

Billy: Yeah, how do you know my name?

James: It’s me, James! James Murrel, ring a bell?

Billy: Jimmy? OMG, I can’t believe it. I didn’t recognize you at all.

James: Yeah, man! It’s so good to see you.

Billy: Yeah, good to see you too, man! You look so sharp! So, you are like a banker now or something?

James: haha, no. I’m a lawyer. What about you, man? What have you been up to lately?

Billy: I’m a Vet, and I just got a contract with Tisch Children Zoo.

James: are you serious? That’s awesome. You should come with me; I’m heading that way too.

Billy: are you sure? Thanks a lot

James: Owh, come on, don’t mention it.

Baca Juga: Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Virus Corona

Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek saat Bertemu Teman Lama Di Toko Buku

Toko buku juga bisa menjadi salah satu tempat dimana kita secara tidak sengaja bertemu dengan teman lama kita. Dalam pertemuan yang tiba-tiba seperti ini, apa saja ya yang bisa kita bincangkan? Penasaran? Simak contoh dialog berikut ini.

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Rebecca: Ashley, is that you?

Ashley: Becca? OMG what are you doing here in New York

Rebecca: Me?? No, no, no, what are you doing here? It’s so good to see you

Ashley: Yeah, haha, it’s so good to see you too. I’m an intern here, in fact I just started a week ago

Rebecca: Seriously?? That’s awesome. I’m here for the internship too. It is still available, isn’t it?

Ashley: Owh, yeah… yeah… sure. You can drop your application here and our HR team will reach out to you.

Rebecca: Well, that’s awesome! So, how are you, really?

Ashley: I’m good actually. I went to Parsons, just like I dreamt of, and now here I am, interning at bookstore.

Rebecca: Woow! That’s awesome! I’m so proud of you.

Ashley: Thank you. We should hang out sometime

Rebecca: Yeah, totally! You know what, let me give you my phone number so you can reach out to me

Ashley: Yeah, sure

Rebecca: Alright, there you go! Okay, I’m gonna let you get back to your work. Let me know if there is any update about my application.

Ashley: Roger that! Will do!

Rebecca: Alright, bye!

Baca Juga: Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap Untuk Latihan Di Rumah

Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek saat Bertemu Teman Lama Di Rumah Sakit

Tempat umum seperti Rumah Sakit sering juga menjadi tempat dimana kita bertemu dengan orang-orang yang kita kenal. Berikut ini adalah contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris pendek yang terjadi di Rumah Sakit.

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Erick: Whoops, take it easy honey. Mind your step.

Nishka: Thank you, honey. Can you hold this for me please?

Erick: Alright, I got it .. I got it.

Nishka: Honey, I’m gonna sit right there. You go talk to the nurse, okay

Erick: Roger that my queen.

Nurse: Can I help you, sir?

Erick: Yes, my wife and I would like to see a doctor.

Nurse: Okay, is there anything in particular that we need to know of?

Erick: Emm.. No, it’s just a regular monthly check up for our baby.

Nurse: I see, alright let me put you on my list. I’ll let you know when the doctor is ready

Erick: Okay, thanks!

(a few moments later …)

Nurse: Mr. Erick, the doctor is ready for you

Erick: Okay, eee.. which room?

Nurse: It’s right this way, Sir.

Erick: Thank you

(Slowly walked towards the room)

Erick: Good morning doctor

Dr. Patricia: Good morning. Erick? Wow, it’s been a while

Erick: Patricia? OMG haha, it’s so good to see you

Dr. Patricia: Yeah, it’s good to see you too. Come, have a sit

Erick: Wow, I can’t believe it’s you. Anyway, this is Nishka, my wife. Honey, this is my old friend, Patricia

Nishka: Hi, it’s good to see you

Dr. Patricia: likewise.

Nishka: So, how long have you guys known each other?

Dr. Patricia: it’s been like forever, right Erick? We used to go to the same school

Erick: yeah, that’s right. She was like the brightest kid in my school at that time. No wonder she became a doctor, haha

Dr. Patricia: He’s joking. So, what do we have here?

Nishka: Owh, yeah, this is actually my monthly check up with Dr. Amber

Dr. Patricia: Owh, I see. Dr. Amber isn’t available at this moment and I was sent here to fill in her schedule. Wait let me check your record first

Erick: Where is Dr. Amber anyway?

Dr. Patricia: She is away on her honeymoon. She’ll be back next month, I guess hehe. Alright, I have your record here saying everything is normal and your baby is healthy. Okay, now let’s see how this little baby doing right now.

Nishka: Alright, should I get to the bed

Dr. Patricia: Yes, please.

Erick: Here, let me help you, Hon

Dr. Patricia: Okay, let’s see. Hmm, there you go. Your baby is completely healthy and in a good condition.

Erick: Woow, thanks.

Dr. Patricia: My pleasure. Let me write down some vitamin for you. Alright, there you go

Nishka: Thank you so much, doctor

Dr. Patricia: It’s Patricia for you

Nishka: Owh, yeah, sorry, Patricia I mean haha

Dr. Patricia: Alright, see you guys next month. It’s so good to see you guys and hei congrats for your baby

Erick and Nishka: Thank you so much

Baca Juga: Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Sehari Hari Orang Tua dan Anak

Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek saat Bertemu Teman Lama Di Tempat Wisata

Pernah nggak sih kamu ketemu temen lama waktu lagi jalan-jalan ke pantai, ke mall atau ke tempat wisata lainnya? Kalau kamu pernah ngalamin, pasti tau deh gimana serunya waktu kamu ketemu secara nggak sengaja begitu. Biasanya nih, langsung ngajak makan bareng sambil ngobrol panjang kali lebar hehe. Salah satu contohnya seperti dalam dialog Bahasa Inggris berikut ini:

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John: Welcome to Malibu everybody. My name is John and I’m your tour guide. Today, we are going to visit some exotic spots along this beautiful beach. But, before that, treat yourself with our special menus that have been waiting for you in our restaurant.

Michael: What a nice speech John!

John: Michael?! OMG what are you doing here?

Michael: Visiting my old Pal of course!

John: Hahaha, come here you shithead!

Michael: I miss you so much brother!

John: How are you Mikey?

Michael: I’m good brother. How are you? Business is good, I can see that

John: Just trying to survive Mike, haha

Michael: I’m so happy for you, brother.

John: What about you Mike? What have you been up to lately?

Michael: it’s the same old me, brother

John: Haha, good to hear that, brother. So, what brings you here?

Michael: Well, I wanted to see you and I might have something to discuss with you

John: Really? You want to discuss something with me, well, that’s new haha

Michael: Seriously? Is that what you think of me, bro? haha

John: I’m joking brother haha. So, what is it that you want to talk about?

Michael: So, Angela is coming this weekend, and she kinda bring someone with her

John: Alright, spill it Mikey haha, what are you getting at?

Michael: Haha, so, what do you think about going out on a double date this weekend?

John: Thank you so much brother, but I think I’m too old for this kind of thing

Michael: Owh, come on John. No one is too old for a new start.

John: I haven’t done this in a long time, brother

Michael: Well, that’s why I’m here, don’t you think? Come on, Bro. Just give it a shot and see where this is going

John: Alright .. Alright .. I’ll try

Michael: That’s the spirit!

Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek Untuk 2 Orang

Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek saat Bertemu Teman Lama Di Acara Reuni Sekolah

Salah satu momen paling umum dimana kita akan berjumpa dengan teman-teman lama kita adalah acara reuni sekolah. Pada saat seperti ini, tentu akan banyak sekali hal yang kita bahas dan ceritakan bersama teman karena sudah begitu lama tidak saling bertemu. Berikut ini adalah contoh percakapan yang mungkin muncul pada acara reuni sekolah.

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MC: Welcome everyone to Midwood High School reunion. This event is fully funded by our alumni of class 2001. All committee and I would like to thank all of you for your generous donations to our school and to this event. Now, we would like to present to you the school band, I hope you enjoy the performance. Be happy and enjoy the party.

Monica: It’s party time! Woohoo!

Brandon: Take it easy, take it easy, haha

Jeff: Yeah, come on guys. Monica wait for me

Monica: Come on Jeff, let’s get to the dance floor

Ashley: You guys go ahead; I’ll be watching you guys from here

Brandon: Hei, Ashley, I’m getting a soda. Do you want anything?

Ashley: No, I’m good, thanks

Brandon: Alright, suit yourself

Ashley: Actually, when I think about it, I’ll take some orange juice

Brandon: Okay, be right back

Oliver: Ashley? Hi

Ashley: Emm … Hi

Oliver: You don’t remember me, do you?

Ashley: I’m sorry haha, should I?

Oliver: It’s Oliver, from the third grade

Ashley: Oliver?? OMG, you look so different

Oliver: Yeah, what can I say, it’s been 20 years, right

Brandon: Here you go. Who is this?

Ashley: You don’t remember him too, do you? It’s Oliver

Brandon: Oliver? Like Oliver Herbert?

Oliver: That’s right, the one and only

Brandon: OMG I can’t believe it! Hahaha, look at you, Bro! You look fantastic!

Oliver: haha, thank you. You look great yourself, Man!

Brandon: Where have you been all this time? I heard you move to Indonesia at third grade

Oliver: Yap, that’s right.

Ashley: Wow, I didn’t know that. So, what happened? I mean why did you move?

Oliver: Yeah, you know. Life wasn’t really on my side at that time and we need a new start. Luckily for us, my father still has relatives in Indonesia. So, we move there and start anew.

Brandon: Wow! That’s awesome bro. But everything pays off, right? I mean look at you now

Oliver: yeah, haha. We managed to survive and come back here last year.

Jeff: Hei Guys, who’s the new guy?

Monica: Hi, new guy! Looking good

Brandon: Guys, guys.. do you still remember the skinny little kid from our third grade

Monica: Yeah, the one with weird style, right? Haha

Jeff: You mean that smart kid Oliver?

Brandon: Well, this is him!

Monica: Shut Up!! No way! OMG, you look stunning, Oliver

Oliver: Hhaha, thanks Guys

Jeff: Maaan, so cool bro! So, what’s your story?

Oliver: yeah, just a little bit of this and that haha. Hei, you know what, why don’t you guys come over at my place after this

Ashley: Yeah, sure. I mean why not haha

Oliver: Great! Now, who’s up for some Rock n Roll?

Brandon: You wanna sing?

Oliver: No.. We want to sing haha, come on guys

Jeff: Alright, hit it!

Monica: yeaay!

Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek saat Bertemu Teman Lama Di Bandara

Jika kita sering bepergian dengan menggunakan pesawat terbang, maka mungkin saja sesekali kita pernah bertemu dengan teman kita saat sedang berada di bandara. Berikut ini adalah contoh percakapan singkat dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan seting lokasi bandara.

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Reza: Safe flight, Sist! Call me when you’ve landed!

Anggoro: Reza? Hi! What are you doing here?

Reza: Anggoro! Hi Bro! I was just dropping off my sister

Anggoro: Really? Where is she?

Reza: She is already inside the lounge

Anggoro: Owh, I see. Where is she going?

Reza: There is this architectural fair in Jakarta and she is one of the keynote speakers.

Anggoro: Wohoho, that’s awesome!

Reza: So, where are you going?

Anggoro: I’m off to Jakarta. I got a scholarship to Australia and my flight will be tomorrow morning, so I have to be at Soekarno Hatta since this evening

Reza: Now that’s amazing! Congrats Bro! I’m so happy for you!

Anggoro: Thanks, Man! Hei, look, I need to go now. See you when I see you, Okay!

Reza: Yeah, sure. Good luck for your study, Bro!

Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek saat Bertemu Teman Lama Di Stasiun

Saat ini kereta sudah menjadi transportasi umum yang kita gunakan setiap harinya. Jika dulu umumnya kereta hanya ramai pada momen mudik saja, kini hampir setiap hari seluruh stasiun kereta menjadi titik yang padat pengunjung. Bertemu dengan teman lama secaara tidak sengaja di stasiun kereta menjadi hal yang umum terjadi. Berikut ini adalah contoh dialog Bahasa Inggris yang terjadi di stasiun kereta.

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Meita: Feliiis!!

Felicia: Meitaaa!!

Meita: Hei! It’s so good to see you.

Felicia: It’s good to see you too.

Meita: I didn’t know that you are back

Felicia: Yeah, I was just arrived yesterday

Meita: How are you?

Felicia: I’m really good, thank you. What about you? What have you been up to lately?

Meita: Hei, that’s the train. Let’s talk inside

Felicia: Owh, yeah, sure!

Meita: Let’s sit … there! There is empty seat right there!

Felicia: Yeay, lucky us!

Meita: So, I work at a book store now. This is just a part time job, because I still have to finish my study

Felicia: That’s cool. What’s your major?

Meita: it’s electrical engineering. I want to build Iron Man, you know, hahaha

Felicia: Nice! I believe you will someday.

Meita: What about you? Everyone in our class missed you so much. Ever since you move to Aceh, the class has never been the same

Felicia: Seriously? Aww… that’s so cute. Yeah, so I teach Aikido now, so I travel from place to place where my skill is needed.

Meita: You are joking, right?

Felicia: Of course not, why would I? haha

Meita: That’s super awesome!! You should teach me

Felicia: Sure, why not. Here is my phone number, just give me a call if you want to learn Aikido.

Meita: Cool! I’ll add you to our class group in WhatsApp

Felicia: Owh, yeah, thank you so much.

Meita: Hei, this is my stop. We have to hangout this weekend. I’ll call you, okay

Felicia: Owh, Okay, sure. Bye Meita

Meita: Bye Felicia

Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek saat Bertemu Teman Lama Di Terminal

Pernah nggak sih kamu ketemu orang yang kamu kenal di terminal? Buat anak rantau yang sering naik bis umum mungkin pernah ngalamin hal ini ya. Kali ini Kak Dikta pengen kasih contoh dialog yang temanya bertemu teman lama di terminal nih guys, silahkan disimak ya.

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Bimo: How much is the ticket to Semarang, Sir?

Bus Driver: it’s 80 thousand rupiah, mas

Bimo: Okay, here is the money

Bus Driver: Okay, thank you. You can wait here or you can wait inside the bus

Bimo: I’ll wait inside the bus, Sir

Radit: Somebody is coming home, hahaha

Bimo: Radit! Haha I didn’t realize you were there

Radit: That’s alright. Come here, sit next to me

Bimo: Alright, coming right up

Radit: So, how is your study?

Bimo: I’m still working on my thesis. What about you?

Radit: Cool! Me? Hmm I quit two years ago, Bro, haha. I’m working now

Bimo: Seriously?

Radit: yeah, for real. I’m a wedding photographer now

Bimo: Nice! Good money, huh! Hahaha

Radit: Yeah, I’ll survive

Bimo: Do you think you can get me some part time job? I think I need a break from college life

Radit: yeah, sure. What can you do? I mean I need to know your skill so I can sell it

Bimo: Well, I’m quite good in video editing

Radit: For real? That’s awesome. I’m currently looking for a video editor. Can I see some of your work?

Bimo: Yeah, absolutely. I uploaded some of my works in my instagram.

Radit: Owh, okay, let me see it

Bimo: So, what do you think?

Radit: Well, this is awesome. Do you think you can do something like this if I give you the video?

Bimo: Sure, why not

Radit: Okay then, you are hired, haha

Bimo: Is this for real? Thank you so much

Radit: Yeah, I mean it!

Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek Saat Berkunjung Ke Rumah Teman

Mengunjungi rumah sahabat kita tentu jadi hal yang menyenangkan. Apalagi jika kita dan sahabat sudah lama tidak bertemu. Rasanya, pasti banyak sekali yang ingin kita ceritakan ya. Di bawah ini kakak sudah siapkan contoh dialog Bahasa Inggris dengan tema berkunjung ke rumah teman.

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Ardhy: Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Dion: Waalaikumslam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, what took you so long, Bro?

Ardhy: I’m so sorry, Bro. The traffic was awful

Dion: That’s alright. Come on in!

Ardhy: How are you brother?

Dion: I’m fine, brother. How are you?

Ardhy: Just the same old same old, bro. Haha

Dion: Good to hear that. Calista, honey … Ardhy is here

Calista: I’ll be there in a minute

Ardhy: Hmm … I smell something delicious, are you cooking, Cal?

Calista: Yeah, wait a moment, okay

Ardhy: You are so lucky, bro

Dion: What can I say, brother, she is the angel of my life

Calista: Gentleman, lunch is ready. Come on, let’s eat

Dion: Alright, let’s go

Ardhy: Owh, I’m so hungry right now

Dion: Woow, tempe goreng, my favorite, thank you honey

Calista: You are welcome honey. Ardhy, come on, don’t be shy. Here, take this

Ardhy: Roger that boss. Hmm everything looks delicious. I don’t know where to start haha

Dion: Owh come on, just take all of it already, haha

Calista: Alright, alright you two, let’s pray and eat

Dion: So, What have you been up to lately?

Ardhy: I’m actually starting my own business bro.

Calista: Really? That’s good. What is it?

Ardhy: So, I sell and buy second-hand cars

Calista: Woow, sounds profitable. Honey, why don’t we take a look at Ardhy’s cars

Dion: That’s a good idea, honey. Do you have any picture of it bro?

Ardhy: Absolutely, let me check it in my phone. Here you go! For the two of you, I’ll give you guys special price haha

Dion: Look at this one honey, it looks like new

Calista: Let me see it. Woow, I think I like this one

Ardhy: Yeah, I only provide good quality bro haha

Dion: How much is this car?

Ardhy: Owh, this one, I usually sell it for 120 million, but for you, you can take it for 100.

Dion: Okay, how soon you can get it here?

Ardhy: Well, when do you want it to be here? I can even get it in your front door by this afternoon.

Dion: what do you say honey?

Calista: Yeah, I think we’ll take it

Ardhy: Are you sure, Bro? Well, thank you so much.

Oke deh adik-adik, itulah tadi 10 contoh dialog Bahasa Inggris pendek dengan tema bertemu teman lama. Terimakasih banyak sudah membaca tulisan kakak kali ini hingga selesai, kakak doakan adik-adik dan pembaca setia semuanya bisa memperoleh manfaat dari tulisan kakak kali ini. Sampai jumpa di artikel berikutnya.

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