10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Asking and Giving Opinion

Saat kita mempelajari Bahasa Inggris atau bahkan bahasa asing apapun, ada baiknya jika kita memulai dengan mempelajari bentuk-bentuk “Expression” atau “ungkapan” yang sering digunakan dalam bahasa tersebut. Salah satu expression yang akan adik-adik jumpai dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah expression of asking and giving opinion atau dalam Bahasa Indonesia nya “ungkapan meminta dan memberi pendapat”.

Dalam kesempatan kali ini, kita akan mempelajari berbagai contoh ekspresiasking and giving opinion” melalui contoh dialog singkat yang sudah kakak siapkan khusus untuk adik-adik semua. Buat kamu yang sedang dapat tugas tentang “asking and giving opinion expression”, ini adalah kesempatan emas yang tidak boleh kamu lewatkan. So, tunggu apa lagi? Yuk simak selengkapnya. – KakDikta.blogspot.com

Google Image - 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Asking and Giving Opinion

Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion

Beberapa contoh dialog pendek di bawah ini mengandung ekspresiasking and giving opinion”. Supaya adik-adik bisa membedakan contoh ekspresi tersebut dengan lebih mudah, kakak sengaja meng-highlight nya dengan memberi warna berbeda pada bagian expression tersebut. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat belajar.

Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion 4 Orang

Contoh dialog pertama kita akan melibatkan 4 orang. Mereka sedang berdiskusi dan meminta pendapat satu sama lain. Seperti apa ya percakapan keempat orang ini, yuk langsung saja kita baca.

Google Image - Tempe Goreng Krispi ala Cookpad

Jimmy: Hei guys! Archie’s birthday is tomorrow, right?

Gilda: Really? I completely forgot about it

Hasan: Owh, yeah, yeah! That’s right

Jimmy: So, are we going to give him something?

Andrea: Let’s throw a party for him. What do you guys think?

Gilda: Uuuw, I love party!

Jimmy: Yeah! Let’s do it!

Hasan: I think it’s a good idea, but where will we have the party at?

Andrea: Well, my parents are out of town this weekend. So, if you guys want, we can have the party at my house.

Gilda: I think that’s exactly what we need, don’t you think?

Hasan: Yeah, I agree with you, Gil. I think Andrea’s place would be the best place for us to throw this party

Jimmy: Wait a minute! do you guys think that we need to tell Andrea’s parents about this party first?

Gilda: I don’t think so. They will be out of town, right? They won’t find out about it

Andrea: Yeah, I think it’s okay

Hasan: No, I agree with Jimmy. I think we have to ask for permission first. I don’t feel it’s right to just barge in into someone’s house without telling the owner.

Andrea: Okay, don’t worry about it. I’ll talk to my parents this evening.

Jimmy: Now, that’s a good plan!

Baca Juga: Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Singkat tentang Daily Activity

Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion tentang Banjir

Adik-adik, pernahkah kamu melihat banjir secara langsung? Atau mungkin kamu pernah kebanjiran? Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang banjir? Mungkin seperti yang diutarakan oleh tokoh dalam contoh dialog berikut ini ya.

Google Image - Hobbit Land in Indonesia

Teacher: Good morning everyone!

Students: Good morning, Sir!

Teacher: How are you today?

Andini: Not great, Sir!

Rizal: Fine, Sir!

Shafa: Just so so, Sir!

Teacher: Wow, what happened Andini?

Andini: My house was hit by the flash flood last night, Sir!

Teacher: Owh, I see, so that’s the reason why some of you are not wearing any shoes right now.

Andini and Shafa: That’s right, Sir.

Teacher: Where do you live?

Andini: I live in Binong, Sir

Teacher: Owh, yeah, that place is flood prone area

Rizal: That’s right, Sir!

Teacher: and how about you, Rizal? Did your house got hit by flash flood too?

Rizal: No, Sir! I live in BSD. It’s a flood-free area, hehe

Teacher: Really?? That’s interesting. Now, I would like to hear your opinion about flood. You can talk about flood in general, and you can also talk specifically about the flash flood last night.

Shafa: Okay, Sir!

Teacher: So, what do you think about the flood?

Shafa: Well, in my opinion, the flood last night is nothing out of the ordinary. I mean it happens every time the rain comes.

Teacher: Is that so? Hmm, that’s interesting. What about you guys? What do you think about the flood?

Andini: I agree with Shafa’s opinion, Sir! I think this has been a problem for far too long. It happens again and again. Some of my neighbors even have intentionally built two-floor houses to face the recurring flood

Teacher: Wow! That’s unbelieveable! So, what do you guys think is the real problem here?

Rizal: Well, I think it might be the trash, Sir. Just like any other urban flood, right? It happens because people don’t take care of their trash. They just throw it anywhere they like. Some people even throw their trash into the river.

Andini: It’s not always like that, you know. My neighborhood is trash-free, but still the flood comes anyway. I think the flash flood around my area is caused by the inability of the soil in the area to absorb the rainfall. Most soil in the area is clay-like, so it doesn’t do well in absorbing water

Teacher: Hmm, I like your analysis, Andini. So, what do you guys think is the solution to this problem?

Shafa: I’m not sure, Sir, but I’ve heard about biopore infiltration holes. I don’t know how to make it, but from what I read on the internet, it should be able to help the ground absorb water faster

Teacher: That’s right! In that case, I have assignment for you guys. I want you to find out and explain to me in detail about the procedure of making biopore holes. Can you do that?

Students: yes, Sir!

Teacher: Good! Let’s get to work!

Baca Juga: 10 Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Singkat tentang Perkenalan

Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion Singkat

Terkadang, saat kita sedang berlatih menghafalkan sebuah dialog Bahasa Inggris, kita mungkin berharap percakapannya mengandung kalimat-kalimat yang singkat. Hal ini tentu karena kita ingin dialog tersebut mudah diingat. Berikut ini kakak sudah menyediakan sebuah dialog singkat untukmu, semoga membantu ya.

Google Image - Jeruk Bali Raksasa (Pomelo) di Bengkulu

Andira: Gea! Come here!

Gea: Yo! What’s up, girl!

Andira: I made something for you!

Gea: Really? What is it?

Andira: Banana Cake! Just like you like it.

Gea: OMG! It looks delicious! Thank you so much!

Andira: Yeah, haha. Happy Birthday!

Gea: Thank you so much! You really are the best!

Andira: Go on! Try it!

Gea: Absolutely!

Andira: So, how is it?

Gea: God! This is the most delicious banana cake ever!

Andira: Seriously?

Gea: Absolutely! I like it so much! Thank’s Dir! You are the best!

Andira: You’re welcome! Come on, let’s go to the class!

Baca Juga: Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek untuk 3 Orang Beserta Artinya

Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion Panjang

Adik-adik, jika kamu sudah semakin jago dalam menghafalkan percakapan Bahasa Inggris, mungkin sudah saatnya bagi kamu untuk mencoba mempelajari contoh dialog yang panjang. Misalnya saja seperti contoh berikut ini:

Google Image - Homemade Sushi Terbaik Sepanjang Masa

Galih: What’s up guys!

Ratna and Marlina: Hei, you!

Waldin: What’s up, dude!

Galih: So, what’s your plan for Lebaran day?

Ratna: We are actually discussing about it

Marlina: Yeah, we plan to visit our teachers’ houses on the first day of Lebaran. What do you think?

Galih: Well, I think that’s a good plan!

Waldin: Yeah, it is, except, some of our teachers are still avoiding social visit

Galih: Owh, I see. It’s Covid-19, right?

Waldin: Yap, that’s right!

Marlina: How many students will be coming with us anyway?

Waldin: I don’t know, maybe the whole class. I guess.

Ratna: are you sure? Have you asked them about it?

Waldin: I haven’t asked them, but I think they would like to go

Marlina: I think you should ask them first, Din.

Galih: Yeah, I think you should, bro!

Waldin: Alright, alright! I’ll tell them

Marlina: Ahaa! I have an idea!

Galih: What is it?

Marlina: What if we group the students in our class into pairs and then send each pair to visit one house only. What do you think?

Ratna: hmm… I see your point. I think that’s a good strategy

Galih: Yeah, that’s right! It means that we don’t have to worry too much about breaking the health protocol

Waldin: Yeah, yeah, yeah! That’s brilliant! When each pairs is already at our teachers’ house, we just have to make group video call to make it feel like we all gather in one place

Ratna: Yeah, that would be awesome

Marlina: I agree. I think it will be fun

Galih: Now, that we already have plans, do you think we should let our teachers know about this?

Waldin: I think we should. I mean, just in case some of them are still not open for social visit

Ratna: Yeah, Waldin is right.

Marlina: So, what are we waiting for, let’s do this!

Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek untuk 2 Orang

Dialogue Expression of Asking and Giving Opinion

Ada banyak “expression of asking and giving opinion” dalam Bahasa Inggris. Jika kamu perhatikan, yang paling sering kita gunakan adalah ungkapan seperti “What do you think?” dan “I think …” Pada bagian kali ini, kakak akan merangkum beberapa ekspresi umum yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk meminta dan memberi pendapat dalam Bahasa Inggris selain kedua ekspresi yang telah kita gunakan di atas.

Google Image - Contoh Mainan Edukasi Anak

Presenter: Good Morning, Indonesia! I’m Jimmy Ardian and this is “Coffee Talk”. Today, we are going to discuss the upcoming Presidential Election which will be held this week on 3rd October. We have special guests today; the first one is our current Presidential Spokesperson, Mr Edhy Jatmiko. Good morning, Sir, welcome to our show.

Mr. Edhy Jatmiko: Hello, good morning!

Presenter: and the second one is The Chief of Electoral Committee, Mr. Riandi Manawah. Good morning, Sir.

Mr Riandi Manawah: Good Morning, Jim!

Presenter: Thank you very much for your time, Sir. I believe it is not easy for you to spare your time coming to our talk show, but I also believe that you are doing this for the people, because the people deserve to know what is going on in our upcoming election.

Mr Riandi Manawah: Yes, that’s right, Jim. This kind of program is very beneficial for our society. They need to know about this election, because this election isn’t just government event. It is also our event. This is for all of us.

Mr Edhy Jatmiko: Exactly! The people need to know because this is where they get to decide what their life would be like in the next five years.

Presenter: Right, I couldn’t agree more! Alright, let’s start our discussion. So, first, I’d like to know, what are your views on this upcoming election?

Mr Edhy Jatmiko: Well, as the spokesperson for the President, I personally think that this year election is going to be interesting. As you know that Mr. President is not going to take part this time, I see all candidates share the same opportunity to win the election and become the next president of Indonesia.

Mr Riandi Manawah: I absolutely agree to Mr Edhy’s statement, besides, this year we have seven candidates running for president, and this is something that has never happened before in the history of our country. Not to mention, five of the seven candidates come from various background with no track record in politics before.

Presenter: Are you saying that it is going to be difficult to predict the result?

Mr Riandi Manawah: Absolutely! So if you find any polls on the internet showing the winning probability of certain candidates, don’t take it too seriously, because it is not that easy to predict the result of the election this year

Presenter: That’s very interesting! So, what your first reaction would be like for this kind of online polls?

Mr Riandi Manawah: I’ll skip it right away, because I consider that as hoax. Don’t you agree Mr Edhy?

Mr Edhy Jatmiko: Yeah, that’s right! Such online polls are merely tools of certain parties to misdirect the peoples’ opinion on this ongoing election

Presenter: Alright, how about their campaign? Do you have any comment about it?

Mr Edhy Jatmiko: In my opinion, the presidential campaign this year is away different than what we use to have before. I mean the candidates are all very creative in promoting themselves. Some of them even create short movies and put it online.

Mr Riandi Manawah: That’s so true. I think this is a good sign. I mean whoever win the election, the future of our country will be in the hand of creative people

Presenter: Woow! That’s really amazing! I believe the people are also looking forward to it. This is the last question, Sir, what is your message for our society in facing the upcoming election?

Mr Riandi Manawah: I think Mr Edhy is the right person to give this kind of statement. Please!

Mr Edhy Jatmiko: Thank you, Mr Riandi. This is my message for all beloved citizen of Indonesia. Whoever you support, and whoever come out as the winner at the end, stay humble and keep peace.

Presenter: Thank you very much Mr Edhy and Mr Riandi. Alright, people, I believe that sums up our discussion this morning, thank you very much for watching and have a great day.

Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek Bertemu Teman Lama

Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion 3 Orang

Saat memberi tugas untuk membuat dialog dalam Bahasa Inggris, terkadang guru kita membentuk kelompok yang isinya 3 orang siswa. Kalau adik-adik sedang membutuhkan contoh dialog yang seperti itu, mungkin percakapan yang sudah kakak siapkan berikut ini cocok untukmu.

Google Image - Model Cilik Minum Es Teh

Dad: Gather around everyone! I have a good news

Tommy: What is it, Dad?

Mom: Yeah, what is it honey?

Dad: I just received $10,000 bonus from my office

Tommy and Mom: Yeaaay!!

Tommy: That’s so cool, Dad! I want some Pizzas

Dad: Pizza?? Absolutely, Champ. You can have 1, 2, no, 5 Pizzas haha

Tommy: For real, Dad? Yeaay!

Mom: What? No! I’ve just finished cooking! No Pizza for tonight!

Tommy: Owh, Mom!!

Dad: Hei, come on! Listen to your Mom

Mom: You can have it tomorrow, for all day long

Tommy: You promise, Mom?

Mom: Yeah, Honey, I promise.

Tommy: Okay, Mom

Dad: Alright, let’s sit. I have something to tell all of you

Mom: Okay, what is it?

Dad: What do you guys say if we buy a car with this money?

Tommy: Yeah, Dad! That’s awesome!

Mom: are you sure?

Dad: Yeah, I’m sure. What do you think, Hon?

Mom: Okay, haha. I mean that would be great!

Dad: Yeay! That’s the spirit! Come on, let’s take a look online

Tommy: This one looks awesome, Dad

Dad: Yeah? Let’s see the price. Owh, I’m sorry, Champ, but we don’t have that much. It’s $22,000

Mom: That’s alright. Let’s take a look at the other cars. Do you think we should spend all of it to buy a car?

Dad: I don’t know, what do you think?

Mom: I think we better keep some of it for us. Let say $2,000. We might need it sometimes.

Dad: Alright, I agree with you. So let’s find a car with the price around $8,000

Tommy: That one looks cool, Dad

Dad: Which one? This one?

Tommy: Yaap!

Dad: Yeah, this one is pretty good! What do you think, Tom?

Tommy: Yeah, I like that

Dad: What about you, Hon?

Mom: Yeah, let’s go with this one

Dad: Great! Let me make a call to the dealer

Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Liburan dan Artinya

Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion tentang Film

Adik-adik suka nonton film? Wah sama dong, kakak juga suka banget nonton film, apalagi film serial Hollywood. Buat kamu yang hobi nonton film, contoh dialog singkat berikut ini sepertinya cocok untuk kamu.

Google Image - Nobar di Bioskop

Riki: Have you seen Justice League the movie?

Firman: Yeah, absolutely. I watched it on cinema yesterday

Riki: What do you think about the movie? Is it good?

Firman: It was awesome, bro! I am satisfied with the action in the movie. It also has good storyline. What about you, have you watched it?

Riki: Yes, I have

Firman: So, what do you think? It’s good, right?

Riki: Hmm, yeah I agree with you. The movie is good, but I think the serial version of DC Universe is a lot better than the actual movie

Firman: Really? How so?

Riki: Well, if you watch the serial, you would know

Firman: Woow, you make me curious about it, Bro! haha

Riki: Yeah, I mean it. Here, use my phone and watch the serial

Firman: Are you sure? Alright, bring it in! haha

Baca Juga: Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Virus Corona

Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion tentang Liburan

Liburan yuk! Hehe. Adik-adik kalo diajak liburan maunya kemana nih? Kalau kakak sih pengen banget bisa ke Jepang haha, biar bisa liat robot gundam real size. Doain impian kakak tercapai ya hehe, terimakasih.

Google Image - Wisata Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah di Padang

Claire: Ben, have you decided yet?

Ben: What? The holiday trip? I don’t know. I don’t really feel like going

Claire: What’s wrong? Owh wait, is this about Kathy?

Ben: What? No, it’s not!

Claire: Owh come on, Ben! She broke up with you, it’s her loss

Jack: Yeah, Ben, you listen to this girl right here, haha

Claire: Right, Jack? Get over it, Ben!

Ben: I don’t know guys. I feel like I’m losing interest in anything

Jack: That’s more reason why you should go with us on this trip, Bruh! Come on, Man!

Claire: Yeah, Ben, that’s right! You know what, there is a saying “travel to heal your heart”

Ben: Yeah? Who said that?

Claire: I just did, haha

Jack: So, what do you say, Ben? Are you coming with us?

Ben: Okay, Let’s do it.

Claire: That’s the spirit!

Jack: Nice! Now, let’s decide the destination. Do you guys have any idea?

Claire: I personally feel that going to the mountain is the right choice this time

Ben: Hmm, I think it’s better for us to go to the beach. I mean it’s closer from this place, right? What do you think?

Jack: Yeah, I agree. Besides, we already went to the mountain last time.

Claire: Alright, it doesn’t matter to me where we go, as long as we stick together

Baca Juga: Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap untuk Latihan di Rumah

Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion tentang Narkoba

Adik-adik, berikut ini sudah kakak siapkan sebuah dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang narkoba. Silahkan baca dan pahami isinya. Satu pesan kakak untuk kalian semua, ayo kita jauhi narkoba.

Google Image - Kendama Mini dari Jepang

Interviewer: Hi, I’m Adam. I’m going to do the interview for you today. Are you ready?

Okta: Hi, yes, I’m ready

Interviewer: Alright, let’s start from the basic. Can you tell me about yourself?

Okta: Okay, My name is Okta. I’m fifteen years old. I’m a student of SMA Gemilang Karya.

Interviewer: Right, Can you tell me about the Scrabble competition that you won last month?

Okta: Owh, yes. Last month I took part in World Scrabble Championship in Mexico. The competition took ten days and I managed to be the first winner of the competition.

Interviewer: That’s amazing! And you are the only representative from Indonesia, right?

Okta: That’s right, I was the only participant from Indonesia, but there are other participants from ASEAN country such as Singapore and Thailand

Interviewer: How many countries took part in that competition?

Okta: I guess around 67 countries were participating in that competition

Interviewer: So, how do you feel to be the world champion of scrabble at your early age?

Okta: Well, what can I say, I never imagine that my hobby could take me this far, and I’m glad that it did

Interviewer: That’s amazing! So, do you think it is difficult to be a professional scrabble player?

Okta: I think if you really like something, the process won’t be a burden for you. I never consider my training as a training to improve my skill; I just take it as ordinary game, so every step is really fun for me

Interviewer: I love the way you think. I really hope there will be more teenager that will start to think like you.

Okta: I hope so

Interviewer: So, tell me, as a successful youth, what is your opinion about drug abuse among students?

Okta: I think it is the worst choice anyone can take. Drugs will lead you nowhere. It will only destroy your brain and it will take away your creativity.

Interviewer: So, what is your message for fellow students like you about that?

Okta: Hmm, I think I just want to say “stay away from drugs, whatever happened in your life, stay focus on your dream, keep on doing what you love”. That’s it!

Interviewer: Amazing message from the world champion of scrabble, Thank you Okta. I wish you a great fortune ahead

Okta: Thank you Mr. Adam!

Baca Juga: Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Sehari-hari Orang Tua dan Anak

Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion tentang Merokok

Pada contoh dialog terakhir ini, tema yang ingin kakak bicarakan adalah tentang rokok. Sebelum kita mulai membaca percakapan lengkapnya, kakak ingin tau dulu nih, bagaimana pendapatmu tentang rokok? Apakah menurutmu itu berbahaya? Jika adik-adik belum tau seberapa besar bahaya merokok, cobalah untuk cari penjelasannya di internet ya.

Google Image - Custom Made Helm Balap Black Sport

Dr Kiki: Hello everyone, my name is Dr Kiki. Today, I am going to be your teacher

Fania: You are so pretty

Dr Kiki: Thank you sweetheart. What is your name?

Fania: I’m Fania

Dr Kiki: Woow, beautiful name. Okay, now, we are going to learn the danger of smoking

Zaky: My father smokes all the time

Dr Kiki: Really? What do you think about it?

Zaky: I think is not good. It makes him smells bad

Dr Kiki: That’s right! What is your name?

Zaky: I’m Zaky

Dr Kiki: Good answer Zaky! The first disadvantage of smoking is bad body odor. Remember! Smoking makes your body smells bad. People are going to stay away from you because you smell bad. Do you want that?

Students: No, Mam!

Dr Kiki: That’s good! Now, who else want to tell me their opinion about smoking?

Fania: In my opinion, smoking makes you poor. Because you have to buy cigarette just to burn it

Dr Kiki: Good job Fania! That is absolutely correct! Remember what Fania said, Smoking makes you poor.

Zaky: Yeah, besides, when you get sick because of smoking, you will need a lot of money to heal

Dr Kiki: Great! Nice answer Zaky! Woow, you guys are really smart! I don’t think you need my explanation anymore, haha

Fania: It’s okay miss Kiki, we love to learn more about it with you

Dr Kiki: Well, in that case, let’s do this!

Adik-adik, inilah akhir dari kumpulan dialog Bahasa Inggris kali ini. Terimakasih telah membaca tulisan kakak kali ini hingga selesai. Kakak harap melalui berbagai contoh percakapan di atas, kamu jadi bisa memahami berbagai ungkapan “asking and giving opinion” dalam Bahasa Inggris. Sampai jumpa lagi di artikel menarik lainnya.

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