Daily conversation (percakapan sehari-hari) merupakan hal yang sangat
penting untuk dilatih dalam sebuah proses pembelajaran bahasa. Jika kita
sudah bisa melakukan daily conversation dengan lancar, menurut kakak, kita
sudah bisa dianggap menguasai sebuah bahasa. Untuk itulah, pada kesempatan
kali ini, kakak ingin mengajak adik-adik semua untuk melatih kemampuan
Bahasa Inggris kalian dengan mempelajari beberapa contoh percakapan sehari-hari berikut ini.
Jika adik-adik belum terbayang, seperti apa sih yang dimaksud dengan “daily
conversation” itu? Apakah semua bentuk percakapan bisa termasuk ke dalam
“daily conversation”? ataukah tidak? Jawabannya seperti ini adik-adik:
daily conversation merupakan dialog yang terjadi dalam daily activity kita.
Apa itu daily activity? Sederhananya, semua hal yang kita lakukan
sehari-hari, seperti bermain bersama teman, pergi ke sekolah, belajar ngaji
di Masjid, makan bersama keluarga, dan bahkan kegiatan orang tua kita
seperti pergi ke pasar ataupun ke kantor. Bagaimana? Sudah mulai bisa
memahaminya kan? Kalau begitu, yuk kita lanjutkan. – KakDikta.blogspot.com
Google Image - Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Singkat tentang Daily Activity |
Dialog Bahasa Inggris Singkat tentang Daily Activity
Di bawah ini Kak Dikta sudah meyiapkan beberapa contoh dialog Bahasa Inggris singkat tentang daily activity atau kegiatan kita sehari-hari. Baca
dan pahamilah berbagai contoh percakapan yang sudah kakak sediakan,
kemudian jangan lupa untuk melatih penggunaannya dalam kehidupanmu. Ingat,
jika kamu merasa contoh di bawah ini belum lengkap atau kamu ingin memberi
permintaan khusus supaya kakak menyajikan dialog Bahasa Inggris dengan tema
tertentu, kamu bisa langsung tinggalkan komentar di bawah artikel ini, atau
bisa juga menghubungi kakak lewat email dan instagram.
Dialog Bahasa Inggris Singkat 2 Orang tentang Daily Activity
Adik-adik, kita akan memulai artikel kali ini dengan contoh dialog yang melibatkan jumlah orang paling sedikit, yaitu dua orang. Bagi kamu yang kebetulan sedang mencari percakapan dua orang tentang daily activity, coba bacalah contoh dialog berikut ini:
Google Image - Liburan di Danau Maninjau, Sumatera Barat |
Ben: Sarah! Where are you?
Sarah: I’m here!
Ben: There you are! What are you doing here?
Sarah: I found something, Ben.
Ben: What is it?
Sarah: I will show it, but you have to promise not to tell Mom
Ben: Alright! So, what is it?
Sarah: Come look at this
Ben: A puppy! OMG It’s so cute! Can we keep it?
Sarah: Come on! You know Mom can’t stand animals fur
Ben: Yeah, that’s right. So, what are you going to do with it?
Sarah: I’m building a house for it at our backyard
Ben: Yeah! That’s so cool! Let me help you.
Sarah: Okay. Anyway, why were you looking for me?
Ben: Owh, yeah, I almost forgot it. Mom ask me to tell you that we have to do the dishes this evening
Sarah: Owh, okay. Let’s do it after this
Ben: Yeah, but Mom said that we have to finish it before she come home
Sarah: Well, we better be faster then
Ben: Okay!
Baca Juga: 10 Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Singkat Tentang Perkenalan
Dialog Bahasa Inggris Singkat tentang Daily Activity untuk 3 Orang
Adik-adik, kali ini kita akan menambah jumlah tokoh dalam contoh dialog kita menjadi 3 orang. Apa kamu sudah siap untuk mempelajarinya? Yuk langsung saja baca contoh percakapan berikut ini:
Google Image - Bermain Puzzle Bersama Teman di Sekolah |
Clarice: Hei, guys! I’m really sorry, I think I couldn’t go with you guys tonight
John: Why? What happened?
Marcos: The kids at the orphanage will be so upset if you don’t come. I mean they like you, a lot
John: Yeah, that’s so true.
Clarice: I know, but I’ve got this project that I need to finish by tomorrow morning
Marcos: What project? Maybe we can help
Clarice: are you sure?
John: Yeah, we are. So, what is it?
Clarice: So, my client asked me to digitalize all of these files. I need to scan it, name each file, and arrange it so my client can easily find it when he needs it
Marcos: That’s it? I mean how hard can it be, right John?
John: Yeah, absolutely! Besides, I have scanner in my house. So I guess we can finish it faster if we all work together
Clarice: Owh, thank you so much, guys! I don’t know what else I can say right now. You guys are really helpful
Marcos: Owh, come on! We’ll do anything for a friend
John: That’s right! Come on! Let’s do it
Marcos: So, you are coming to the orphanage tonight, right?
Clarice: Well, if you guys can really help me finish my project faster, then, yes I am
John: Great! That’s the spirit! The kids are going to be really happy. I’ll let them know
Baca Juga: Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek untuk 3 Orang Beserta Artinya
Contoh Percakapan Sehari-hari di Sekolah dalam Bahasa Inggris
Sekolah merupakan salah satu tempat dimana kita menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu kita. Dengan begini, tentu kesempatan untuk melakukan percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris menjadi sangat besar. Misalnya saja seperti dalam contoh dialog singkat berikut ini:
Google Image - Kegiatan Bazar di Sekolah |
Deni: Fen, let’s go to canteen!
Fendi: Okay, let’s go
Deni: Owh, I’m so hungry. What do you want to buy?
Fendi: Hmm I don’t really have anything in mind right now, let’s just see it first
Deni: Okay!
Fendi: Hmm, Batagor seems delicious
Deni: Yeah, you go ahead if you want to buy it. I’m gonna go for fried rice
Fendi: Alright, where do you want to sit?
Deni: Right there! Next to fried rice booth
Fendi: Owh, okay. I’ll be there right away
Deni: Yeah, you sure about that? Look at that Batagor booth, bro! It’s so crowded, haha
Fendi: Yeah, just like they said “No pain, no gain” hahaha
(a few moments later)
Deni: Yo! Fen! Right here!
Fendi: God! I can’t believe it, I spend so much time just to get this batagor, haha. Have you ordered your fried rice?
Deni: You’re joking, right?
Fendi: What do you mean?
Deni: I finished it already. Look at this empty plate
Fendi: What?? OMG, so it is that long for me to get my food, haha
Deni: Yeah, haha, and you know what? The break time is over now, we have to get back in class
Fendi: Are you kidding me? I haven’t even taste my food, bro
Deni: Ah, come on! Just finish it in the class
Fendi: Owh, Maaan!
Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek untuk 2 Orang
Contoh Percakapan Sehari-hari dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Pemula
Jika kamu baru saja memulai perjalananmu dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris, ada baiknya kamu memulainya dengan mengenal beberapa kalimat-kalimat pendek yang sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Misalnya saja seperti pada contoh dialog berikut ini:
Google Image - Membuat Bangku Kayu dari Bahan Bekas |
Riza: Excuse me!
Tina: Owh, Hi! Can I help you?
Riza: Do you know where the nearest ATM is?
Tina: Owh, yeah. It’s in that building
Riza: That one?
Tina: Yap! That’s it, the one with green roof.
Riza: Thank you so much for your help
Tina: You are welcome
Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek Bertemu Teman Lama
Contoh Percakapan Sehari-hari dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak-Anak
Taukah kamu kalau ternyata ada banyak sekali orang yang membutuhkan contoh daily conversation dalam Bahasa Inggris, mulai dari orang dewasa hingga anak-anak. Pada contoh dialog kali ini kakak ingin menampilkan percakapan yang cocok untuk anak-anak. Perhatikan percakapan berikut ini:
Google Image - Anak-anak Bermain Video Game di Laptop |
Tio: Regan, can I borrow your toy?
Regan: No, it’s mine!
Tio: I just want to play with it for a while
Regan: No, it’s mine!
Zena: Regan, Tio, let’s play together
Regan and Tio: Yeaay!
Zena: We are going to make bubble, lots of it
Regan: I love bubbles
Tio: Yeah! Me too!
Zena: Good! Here, take this
Regan: What’s this?
Zena: This is what we use to make bubbles
Tio: Uuuh, I know it. I’ve seen it on YouTube
Zena: That’s right! So you know how to make bubbles, right?
Tio: Yeah, maybe. I don’t know
Zena: That’s alright. It is super easy. All you have to do is to dip this stick into this liquid soap, and then take it out
Regan: Okay, aaand?? What’s next?
Zena: after that, place the stick in front of your mouth and blow the stick slowly
Tio: Woow Bubbles!! That’s so cool. I want to try it!
Zena: Okay, here, give it a try!
Tio: Okay, one, two, three, huuft …
Regan: Haha, no bubbles, hahaha
Tio: What happened?
Zena: haha, that’s alright. It happens sometimes
Regan: I want to try it!
Zena: Okay, here you go
Regan: Yeaay! Look! I make bubbles! They fly away!
Tio: Awesome!
Zena: Good boy! I love it when the two of you get along
Regan and Tio: Yeaay! Yeaay! Yeaay!
Zena: I’m gonna go to the kitchen okay. Play nice! Both of you, Okay?
Regan and Tio: Okaay!
Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Liburan dan Artinya
Contoh Percakapan Sehari-hari di Rumah dalam Bahasa Inggris
Kalo lagi di rumah, adik-adik biasanya ngobrolin apa nih? Pernah ngobrol pake Bahasa Inggris nggak di rumah? Cobain yuk kayak contoh dialog ini:
Google Image - Cute Cat Climb Over My Body |
Rezki: Mom, did you turn off the WiFi?
Mom: No, I didn’t
Rezki: Why can’t I open my Mobile Legend?
Mom: How should I know? Go ask your brother
Rezki: Kak, did you turn off the WiFi?
Angga: Yes, I did, haha
Rezki: Why did you do that?
Angga: I want you to study. You have played that game since this morning. When will you study?
Rezki: But I don’t have any homework
Angga: Owh really?? What about your Math homework yesterday? Have you done it?
Rezki: Well, I have, but it hasn’t finished yet
Angga: See? Go to your room, finish your homework, and after that I’ll turn the WiFi back on
Rezki: Aaarggh!! Okay!
(a few moments later)
Rezki: Kak, I need the internet to find the answer for my homework
Angga: What is it? Let me see it
Rezki: Here!
Angga: Owh, this one is super easy. Here, let me teach you.
Baca Juga: Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Virus Corona
Contoh Percakapan Sehari-hari di Tempat Kerja dalam Bahasa Inggris
Di tempat kerja, kita pasti selalu berinteraksi dengan orang lain, baik itu dengan pemimpin maupun rekan kerja. Percakapan santai bersama teman kantor juga bisa lho kita jadikan bahan pembelajaran bagi kita. Yuk lihat contohnya di bawah ini!
Google Image - Membangun Startup Software Developer |
Budi: Guys … Guys … Have you heard the news about Babi Ngepet?
Miftah: No, I haven’t. Is that for real?
Budi: I don’t know, but it is so viral. Some people at Depok have caught a small boar, and they believe that the boar is actually Babi Ngepet
Fendi: yeah, I’ve heard the news. But I don’t think it is real, bro. I saw the video of the pig, and for me it is just normal pig
Miftah: Yeah, I agree with you. It’s just funny, how people are easily be drawn with this kind of news
Fendi: I think I have the video. Do you want to see it?
Miftah: Really? Absolutely! Where is it?
Fendi: Here, take a look at this
Miftah: No kidding, they caught a real boar, haha
Budi: I think it’s quite entertaining somehow, haha
Fendi: I think most news these days were just entertainments. It’s so easy for the people to create fake news and it’s even easier to spread it
Miftah: That’s so true. That’s the reason why we shouldn’t just believe anything on the news too quickly. We need to process it first within our mind so we don’t do something that we will regret.
Budi: Hei look! There’s an update about the news
Miftah: Really? What is it said?
Budi: It said that the news is a fake. Someone bought the boar online and intentionally released it in the area to make the people panic
Fendi: What? That’s absurd!
Miftah: Yeah haha, that’s just how absurd our society is nowadays
Budi: Yeah, I couldn’t agree more
Fendi: Alright . . . Alright . . . enough about that hoax, it’s time to get back to real life, haha
Miftah: Yeah, let’s get back to work
Baca Juga: Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap untuk Latihan di Rumah
Contoh Percakapan Sehari-hari dalam Bahasa Inggris tentang Makanan
Bicara tentang makanan emang paling seru ya adik-adik. Apalagi jika sudah membahas tentang makanan favorit, waah bisa jadi panjang banget ceritanya hehe. Berikut ini adalah contoh dialog Bahasa Inggris yang isinya membahas tentang makanan.
Google Image - Sate Gurita Lezat di Kabupaten Kaur, Bengkulu |
Jaden: Dude, I’m so hungry right now
Cole: Seriously, dude! At this time! It’s in the middle of the night.
Jaden: Yeah, I know. Let’s just go to sleep then
Cole: Let me check my fridge first. There might be something for you to eat
Jaden: Owh, thanks a lot, dude!
(a few moments later)
Cole: Dude, this is all I can get from my fridge
Jaden: Woow! Thanks, dude!
Cole: Yeah, if you are still hungry after this, we can cook instant noodle if you want
Jaden: Are you sure?
Cole: Yeah, why? Do you want it?
Jaden: Absolutely! Haha
Cole: Okay, let’s cook!
(at the kitchen)
Cole: The noodle is right there. You can pick any flavor of your choice
Jaden: alright! Hei, Cole! Do you want some noodle too? I’ll cook it for you
Cole: Hmm, yeah, why not. I’ll take the meatball flavor
Jaden: Alright, roger that!
Cole: Here, let me help you. How much water do you need? Is this okay?
Jaden: Yap, that’s it! That’s enough!
Cole: Nice! There you go
Jaden: Is it okay if I add some garlic into the water?
Cole: Yeah, sure. Do what you want to do.
Jaden: Alright, the noodle is done. Do you want to add some slices of tomato on top of it?
Cole: No, I prefer cucumber
Jaden: Roger that! Now it’s ready! Here you go!
Cole: Hmmm … it smells nice, dude! Thanks!
Jaden: Sure, don’t mention it!
Baca Juga: Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Sehari-hari Orang Tua dan Anak
Contoh Percakapan Sehari-hari dalam Bahasa Inggris tentang Cuaca
Cuaca apa yang paling seru buat main? Pastinya cuaca panas ya adik-adik. Eh tapi yang seneng sama cuaca panas bukan cuma adik-adik lho, mama nya adik-adik juga suka tuh, karena cocok banget untuk jemur cucian hehe. Yuk simak seperti apa percakapan tentang cuaca berikut ini.
Google Image - Cuaca Cerah di Kebun Bunga Matahari |
Cia: Alhamdulillah, the sun is so bright
Fenita: Ciaa, what are you doing?
Cia: Fenii! Wait, I’m going down now.
Fenita: Okay!
Cia: Are you going somewhere?
Fenita: just grocery shopping, do you want to come?
Cia: I want to but I can’t right now
Fenita: Why? What were you doing up there anyway?
Cia: I’m doing the laundry and the second floor is where I hang the wet clothes
Fenita: Owh I see. Good choice by the way. The weather is just right for doing the laundry
Cia: Yeah, that’s what I thought too
Fenita: Alright, you go ahead with your project. I’m gonna leave you to it, haha
Cia: Yap, have fun shopping!
Fenita: Yeah! Can I get you anything?
Cia: Are you sure?
Fenita: Yeah, why not. I mean you are my favorite neighbor after all, haha
Cia: That’s so sweet! Actually I want to cook rending Jengkol, can you get me some Jengkol?
Fenita: Owh yeah, absolutely!
Cia: Thank you, thank you so much. You are a lifesaver!
Contoh Percakapan Sehari-hari dalam Bahasa Inggris tentang Masalah Sosial
Sebagai penutup, kakak sudah siapkan sebuah contoh dialog yang tema nya serius, yaitu tentang masalah sosial. Meski tema nya bersifat serius, tapi kakak tetap berusaha menyampaikannya dengan bahasa yang santai kok, jadi kakak yakin adik-adik bisa memahaminya dengan mudah. Selamat membaca!
Google Image - Telur Ceplok Mata Sapi Berbentuk Sharingan Uchiha Sasuke |
Ica: I’m worried about kids these days
Rhendy: yeah? Why is that?
Ica: Yesterday the security at my school caught some students licking the toilet and you know what the reason is? They are doing some stupid challenge from the internet
Rhendy: What? That’s absurd. Are they not thinking at all?
Ica: I know, right? It’s so crazy and scary in the same time. I mean how come a stupid challenge drive them to do something so gross
Rhendy: Yeah, that’s right. I mean, if they are willing to do something like that right now, we can only imagine what they would do later
Ica: That’s exactly what I’m talking about
Rhendy: I think you should ban the use of cell phone at school ground
Ica: Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll bring that up at my school meeting this weekend
Rhendy: Yeah, good luck honey. I hope all school board agree with your idea
Ica: Yeah, I hope so.
Oke deh adik-adik, itulah tadi beberapa contoh dialog Bahasa Inggris
singkat tentang Daily Activity, semoga bermanfaat bagi adik-adik dan
pembaca semua. Terimakasih banyak sudah membaca tulisan kakak kali ini
hingga selesai, kakak harap adik-adik bisa memahami setiap dialog yang
kakak sajikan dengan mudah. Kakak akhiri sampai di sini, sampai jumpa lagi
di artikel menarik lainnya.