Belakangan ini kamu pasti sering lihat ya anak-anak muda yang berkenalan
dengan orang asing melalui berbagai sosial media. Dari video-video yang
beredar, sepertinya percakapan yang terjadi dalam perkenalan mereka yang
menggunakan Bahasa Inggris itu terkesan sangat asik. Hal ini dibuktikan
dengan begitu banyaknya orang yang menonton hasil rekaman percakapan
video-video tersebut saat diupload ke YouTube. Pertanyaannya, kamu tertarik
nggak sih untuk mencoba berkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris seperti itu? Jika
iya, yuk latihan dulu bareng kakak di sini. –
Google Image - Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Singkat tentang Perkenalan |
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Perkenalan
Di bawah ini sudah kakak sediakan 10 contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris
tentang perkenalan, baik itu perkenalan secara langsung maupun perkenalan
yang terjadi melalui perantara media sosial. Silahkan simak dan pahami
bagaimana caranya memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain dalam Bahasa
Inggris melalui beberapa dialog berikut, kemudian cobalah gunakan apa yang
telah kamu pahami dalam kegiatanmu sehari-hari.
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Perkenalan Diri di Sekolah
Momen pertama kita berkenalan dengan orang baru tanpa didampingi siapapun mungkin adalah saat pertama kali kita masuk sekolah. Jika kita kembali pada masa itu, sepertinya semua hal di sekeliling kita adalah hal yang baru dikenal termasuk orang-orangnya. Kira-kira, masih ingat nggak kamu dengan siapa kamu pertama kali berkenalan di sekolah? Ini salah satu contohnya:
Google Image - Kegiatan Hari Raya Idul Adha di Sekolah |
Eko: Hi! Is this seat taken? (Hai, apakah ada yang duduk di sini?)
Nanda: Hi! No, no, no. Please! (Hai! Tidak, tidak, tidak. Silahkan!)
Eko: Thank you! I’m Eko by the way. (Terimakasih! Ngomong-ngomong, saya Eko.)
Nanda: Owh, hi! I’m Nanda. (Owh, hai! Saya Nanda)
Eko: It’s really huge, right (Luas banget ya)
Nanda: I’m sorry, what? (Maaf, apa?)
Eko: This Canteen is really huge (Kantin ini sangat luas)
Nanda: Owh, yeah, yeah! I’ve never been in a school canteen as big as this one (Owh, iya, iya! Saya juga belum pernah berada di katin sekolah sebesar ini)
Eko: Yeah, me too. So, where are you from? (Iya, saya juga. Jadi, kamu dari mana?)
Nanda: I’m from Karawaci. What about you? (Saya dari Karawaci. Kalo kamu dari mana?)
Eko: Owh, Karawaci, nice place bro! I’m from around here. (Owh, Karawaci, keren bro! Saya dari sekitar sini)
Nanda: Really?? You live here in BSD? Woow, you must be rich. (Benarkah?? Kamu tinggal di BSD? Waah, kamu pasti kaya banget ya)
Eko: Not really, my house is a couple blocks from this school (Enggak juga, rumah saya berapa blok dari sekolah ini)
Nanda: That’s so cool! So, what do your parents do? (Keren banget! Jadi, orang tuamu kerja apa?)
Eko: Umm, my dad, he is a blogger (Hmm, ayahku, dia seorang blogger)
Nanda: No way! That’s amazing! No wonder you are so rich haha. So, what about your mom? (Nggak mungkin! Itu keren banget! Wajar aja kamu kaya banget haha. Terus, bagaimana dengan ibu mu?)
Eko: My mom has an online shop. She sells things on Ebay (Ibuku punya toko online. Dia berjualan barang-barang di Ebay)
Nanda: Cool! (Keren!)
Eko: Owh come on, it’s nothing. What about you, bro? What do your parents do? (Ayolah, itu biasa saja kok. Bagaimana denganmu, bro? Orang tuamu kerja apa?)
Nanda: Well, my Mom and Dad run their own business. My Dad has his own Gym and my Mom has her own boutique. (Ibu dan bapakku menjalankan usaha mereka masing-masing. Ayahku punya Gym dan ibuku punya butik sendiri)
Eko: Woow, no wonder you are so athletic (Pantesan saja kamu atletis banget)
Nanda: Yeah, my Dad trains me every weekend (Iya, ayah saya melatih saya setiap minggu)
Eko: Do you think I can go with you to your training? (Saya bisa ikutan latihanmu nggak ya?)
Nanda: Yeah, absolutely. That would be really cool. (Iya, tentu saja. Bakalan keren banget tuh kalo kamu ikut)
Eko: Alright, here is my number, text me your address, okay! (Oke deh, ini nomer hape saya, kirimin saya alamatmu ya!)
Nanda: Sure thing, bro! (Pasti bro!)
Eko: I’m gonna head back to my class. See you after school Nda! (Saya mau balik ke kelas dulu. Sampai ketemu pulang sekolah nanti Nda!)
Nanda: Alright, see you! (Baiklah, sampai jumpa!)
Baca Juga: Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek untuk 3 Orang Beserta Artinya
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Perkenalan 2 Orang
Kak Dikta pernah punya pengalaman berkenalan dengan seorang perempuan sewaktu kakak sedang naik bis kota. Percakapan kami terasa sangat santai dan mengalir dengan baik, tapi sayang, hingga akhirnya kakak turun, kami tidak sempat saling bertukar nama hehe. Penting untuk jadi perhatian nih adik-adik, kalo kamu kenalan dengan orang, jangan lupa tanya namanya.
Google Image - Nongkrong Bareng Temen |
Dikta: It’s really hot in here, right?
Alesha: Emm, yeah, it’s true
Dikta: Do you have watch? What time is it now?
Alesha: Oh yeah, emm it’s two o’clock
Dikta: No wonder it’s so hot right now. So, where are you headed?
Alesha: Actually I’m going to my campus
Dikta: Owh yeah, where is it?
Alesha: It’s in Agung Podomoro
Dikta: Really? Me too, that’s also my campus
Alesha: haha, what a coincidence. What’s your major?
Dikta: Construction Engineering
Alesha: Really? I have a friend who is also in Construction Engineering
Dikta: Wow, what’s the name?
Alesha: It’s Thania. Do you know her?
Dikta: Hmm, I’ve never heard of her name before. I guess she is my junior
Alesha: Yeah, I guess so.
Dikta: So, you are younger than me, haha. What’s your major?
Alesha: I took hotel business
Dikta: That’s awesome! I think it suits you. I mean you are very friendly
Alesha: Thank you, that’s really nice of you
Dikta: Hei, you know what, that’s my stop. This was a really nice talk. See you around.
Alesha: Owh yeah, sure. Thanks, I guess
Dikta: I’m Dikta, by the way
Alesha: Alesha!
Dikta: Wow! Cool name. See you around Alesha!
Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek untuk 2 Orang
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Perkenalan 3 Orang
Sebuah percakapan terkadang tidak hanya melibatkan dua orang saja. Semakin banyak orang yang terlibat dalam sebuah dialog cenderung membuat suasana menjadi semakin seru. Berikut ini adalah contoh percakapan yang melibatkan 3 orang tentang perkenalan. Silahkan disimak!
Google Image - Gaya Foto Jadul Anak-Anak angkatan 90an |
Morgan: Hmm, such a beautiful painting
Martinez: Yeah, it is.
Morgan: Umm I’m sorry, I thought I was alone
Martinez: No, it’s okay. I was just enjoying this painting
Morgan: Yeah, me too. I mean, it is beautiful, right
Martinez: Yeah, it is. First time?
Morgan: What? Owh, yeah, it’s my first time to Louvre. I’m Morgan, by the way
Martinez: Martinez! You know, there’s usually someone around here who explain the details of every items
Morgan: Owh, really? That’s awesome
Martinez: Yeah, hei look! there he is
Jaime: Good evening, Madame and Monsieur! Can I help you with something?
Morgan: Yeah, absolutely, can you tell me more about this painting?
Jaime: Absolutely, Monsieur! Let me introduce myself, my name is Jaime, not James, be really careful with that, it pronounced “Ze mi”.
Morgan: Haha, alright, noted!
Jaime: I’m glad that you find me amusing, Monsieur. I am a curator assistant at this building.
Martinez: So?? The painting?
Jaime: Right! So, this painting is called “The fortune Teller” and it is one of the greatest collections of Caravaggio or who you may know as Michelangelo
Morgan: Are you serious? Wow! That’s amazing! How old is this painting already?
Jaime: it was discovered at 1600, so I assume it is around 400 years old
Martinez: Wow, that is mind blowing. How could you guys preserve it so well?
Jaime: That, Madame, is of the secret, haha
Martinez: Alright, I get it, Thank you “Ze Mi”, is that correct?
Jaime: Absolutely, Madame
Morgan: Yeah, thanks a lot, man!
Jaime: If you’ll excuse me, Madame, Monsieur!
Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek Bertemu Teman Lama
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Perkenalan di Chatting (Sosial Media)
Sebagai anak jaman now, kakak yakin kalian pasti pernah berkenalan dengan orang melalui sosial media atau media chatting lainnya. Yang ingin kakak tau, pernahkah kalian berkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris? Jika pernah, bagaimana isi percakapan kalian? Mungkin kira-kira seperti pada contoh dialog di bawah ini ya:
Google Image - Foto Laptop Terbesar Sedunia |
Alfin: Hi! Mr Dwayne. My name is Alfin. I’m nine years old. I live in San Antonio, Texas. I’m a big fan of yours. I love your movies and I think you are the strongest man on earth. I tell my friends at school that I’m a friend of Black Adam, and they didn’t believe me. I hope you would like to reply my message and be my friend. – With love, Alfin
Dwayne: Hi there, buddy! Thank you so much for your message. You really made my day. I would fly right away to Texas so we can have lunch together and show your friends just how awesome you are, if only I can find my lightning suit. Unfortunately, I think I lost it in dry cleaner (LOL, just kidding). Anyway, thanks a lot for sending me this message, I hope we can meet in person one day. Keep up the good work and stay healthy! – Your friend, Black Adam
Alfin: Thanks a lot Mr Dwayne! I will show my friends our chat. I love you and have a great day
Dwayne: Anytime, buddy!
Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Liburan dan Artinya
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Berkenalan Dengan Orang Lain
Pernahkah kamu bergabung dengan sebuah komunitas? Jika pernah, kamu pasti tau saat kita pertama kali hadir di acara pertemuan, akan ada banyak sekali orang baru yang akan kita ajak berkenalan. Berikut ini adalah contoh percakapan tentang perkenalan dengan orang lain.
Google Image - Bermain Hot Wheels Bersama Keponakan |
Ringgo: Hi, I’m Ringgo
Teddy: Hello, I’m Teddy
Ringgo: Is this your first meeting?
Teddy: Yeah, I just joined last week. Do you bring your Betta Fish?
Ringgo: Owh, yeah, yeah! It’s in my bag. Do you bring yours?
Teddy: Yeah, I’ve got red crown tail with me today. What do you got?
Ringgo: Hmm the basic, I’ve got Blue Moon plakat
Teddy: Wow! That’s nice! Did you breed it yourself?
Ringgo: Yes I did! Haha it was my first time trying to breed Betta Fish and this is the result
Teddy: Not bad, buddy! Not bad at all!
Ringgo: Thanks, Man! So, how long have you been a Betta fish lovers?
Teddy: Hmm, not sure, but I guess around two years. My son bought me my first Betta Fish, you know, and I’ve falling in love with it ever since.
Ringgo: Owww, that’s cute!
Teddy: Yeah, haha. Anyway, should we just put our fish somewhere?
Ringgo: I don’t know, I’m not sure
Zach: Hei guys! You must be our new members. I’m Zach and I’m the host of this meeting
Ringgo: Hi, I’m Ringgo
Teddy: Yap! That’s us! I’m Teddy, by the way
Zach: Nice! Teddy and Ringgo! We are so glad that you guys make it today. Here, let me help you with your fish. You gus go ahead and mingle with the others
Ringgo: Owh, okay! Here you go! Thanks!
Teddy: Okey dokey!
Baca Juga: Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Virus Corona
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Memperkenalkan Orang Lain
Adik-adik, sesekali mungkin kita akan mengalami kondisi dimana kita perlu memperkenalkan seseorang pada orang lain. Misalnya saja memperkenalkan teman sekolah ke tetangga kita saat teman sekolah kita kebetulan sedang main ke rumah. Berikut ini adalah contoh percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris yang mungkin bisa membantumu untuk mengenalkan seseorang pada orang lain.
Google Image - Mikha Tambayong di acara pernikahan Nadine Chandrawinata dan Dimas Anggara |
Febri: Hei! What’s up bro!
Rio: Yo! What’s up, man!
Febri: Bro, I want you to meet my cousin. His name is Najib
Najib: Hi! I’m Najib. Nice to meet you!
Rio: Owh, Hi Najib! I’m Rio. Nice to meet you too, bro! So, where are you from?
Najib: I’m from Kalimantan
Rio: Woow! That’s so far! I’ve never been there. What is it like?
Najib: Hmm, my village is literally surrounded by jungle, so the air is so fresh and the weather is always cold. Sometimes it gets foggy too
Rio: That’s amazing. It’s totally the opposite of this place, haha
Najib: Yeah, I can tell just by staying for two days, haha
Rio: How long will you stay here?
Najib: I’m not sure, but I guess I’ll stay until next week
Rio: Great! It means that we got time to play together
Najib: Yeah, sure. I think that would be nice.
Febri: Awesome! Now that you guys already know each other, we can play together.
Rio: Yaap! That’s right! Hei, do you want to come with us right now?
Najib: Okay, where to?
Febri: We are going to Cisadane river for fishing. Would you like to come? It’ll be fun. I promise.
Rio: Yeah, especially if we manage to catch some fish, haha
Najib: Sure, I love fishing.
Febri: Alright, let’s go!
Baca Juga: Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap untuk Latihan di Rumah
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Perkenalan Dengan Teman Baru
Bertemu dengan orang yang bisa menjadi teman baru kita bisa terjadi di mana saja. Misalnya saja saat kita sedang mengalami kesusahan di jalan dan ada orang yang dengan tulus membantu kita, tentu kita akan ingat dan ingin berteman dengannya. Contohnya seperti dalam dialog Bahasa Inggris berikut ini:
Google Image - Kantin Sekolah SMA Al-Kautsar Bandar Lampung |
Hanz: Hei, dude! What’s up? Can I help you?
Dave: I’ve got a flat tyre, bro. Thanks, but I’ve got this
Hanz: If you are looking for a mechanic to fix that, you’ve got a long way to go. Let me help you
Dave: Wow! That’s really nice of you. Alright, let’s do it
Hanz: I’m going to hook your car to mine with this wire, okay
Dave: Okay, here, let me help you with that.
Hanz: Nice! It’s all set now. I’m going to drag you along now
Dave: Alright, let’s go!
(After a while)
Hanz: Hei, look! There’s a workshop right there!
Dave: Owh, thank God! Thanks a lot, man. I don’t know what to say to you
Hanz: Don’t mention it! I’m just doing what everybody else would do too
Dave: No, man. Not all people would do what you have done to me, I mean, I’m a stranger in the middle of nowhere, and you helped me.
Hanz: I’m Hanz
Dave: I’m Dave. Thanks a lot Hanz, I mean it
Hanz: See, we are no strangers anymore.
Dave: Yeah, right. Let me buy you a drink
Hanz: That would be lovely.
Baca Juga: Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Sehari-hari Orang Tua dan Anak
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Perkenalan dengan Orang Asing
Keberadaan media sosial kini memungkinkan kita untuk bisa berinteraksi dengan begitu banyak orang dari berbagai negara. Salah satu kegiatan yang sedang trend dikalangan anak muda adalah dengan memainkan aplikasi video streaming dimana mereka bisa bertemu dengan sesama pengguna aplikasi tersebut secara acak. Seru sepertinya ya! Untuk itu, kita pastinya harus bisa dong memperkenalkan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris. Supaya kamu nggak kudet, baca contoh dialog berikut ini deh!
Google Image - Night Festival in Japan |
Pardiman: Hello!
Zasha: Hi! How are you doing?
Pardiman: I’m good! How are you?
Zasha: Me too!
Pardiman: My name is Pardiman. What is your name?
Zasha: I’m Zasha. Where are you from? Are you from UK?
Pardiman: No, I’m from Indonesia. I’m using VPN, so I can change my country details
Zasha: Wow! eto zamechatel'no. (That’s awesome)
Pardiman: eto? (Is it?)
Zasha: Wait, what? Did you just speak Russian?
Pardiman: Da! (Yes, I did)
Zasha: Oh my God! That’s so cool. I like your pronounciation
Pardiman: Spasibo (Thank you)
Zasha: kak davno ty uchish' russkiy yazyk? (How long have you been studying Russian?)
Pardiman: A year I guess, haha but I’m still learning
Zasha: Wow! That’s just super cool! Are you on Instagram?
Pardiman: Yeah, go search for “diman pardidi13”
Zasha: Alright, wait. Is this you?
Pardiman: Yes, that’s me
Zasha: God! You are so handsome! You’ve got so many followers already. Are you like famous in your country?
Pardiman: Me? No … no… I just have many friends, that’s it
Zasha: I have followed your account. You, follow me back, okay
Pardiman: Okay, will do!
Zasha: It’s really good to talk to you. See you around
Pardiman: Yeah, thanks!
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Perkenalan Keluarga
Salah satu momen perkenalan yang mungkin kita alami adalah momen perkenalan keluarga. Pernah nggak nih Papa dan Mama nya adik-adik mengenalkan keluarga kalian ke orang lain? Jika pernah, mungkin kamu tau ya, apa saja pembahasan yang mungkin muncul. Contohnya saja seperti dialog berikut ini:
Google Image - A Happy Indonesian Family during Idul Fitri |
Gilang: Assalamualaikum!
Pradana: Waalaikumsalam! Come on in!
Gilang: Alhamdulillah, we finally arrive at your house, bro!
Pradana: Alhamdulillah. Who is this little girl? You are so cute. What’s your name?
Gilang: This one is Tasha and this one is her brother Kemal. Guys, say hello to uncle Dana
Tasha and Kemal: Hi Uncle Dana
Pradana: Hello guys! You know what, I’ve got some ice cream for you guys. Come, let’s get it
Tasha and Kemal: Yeaay!
Pradana: Have a sit, bro. This must be Thania, right?
Thania: That’s right, the one and only, haha
Gilang: Yap! This is my beloved wife. So, where is Katherine, bro?
Pradana: Owh, she is cooking in the kitchen at this moment
Thania: Really? Can I help?
Pradana: Yeah, absolutely. Come, follow me! Let’s get to the kitchen
Thania: Okay
Pradana: Honey, they are here!
Katherine: Owh hi! Wow! You guys made it! I’m so sorry, I still haven’t finished cooking
Thania: That’s alright! I’m here to help
Katherine: That’s really nice of you. You are Thania, right?
Thania: Yap! That’s me. So, what can I do?
Katherine: Umm, you can help me with this one
Thania: Okay, roger that!
Katherine: Honey, go be with your bestfriend. We can handle the kitchen
Pradana: Alright! I’ll leave you guys to it
Tasha: Uncle Dana, where is the ice cream?
Pradana: Owh, Yeah, it’s right here honey. Which one do you want? I’ve got banana ice cream strawberry, milk, and chocolate
Tasha: I want strawberry ice cream
Pradana: Alright, here you go, and what about your brother?
Tasha: I think he loves chocolate ice cream
Pradana: Okay, let’s bring it to him
Tasha: Kakak! This is for you
Kemal: Yeaay! Thank you
Gilang: Say thank you to uncle Dana
Tasha and Kemal: Thank you uncle Dana
Pradana: You are welcome sweetheart, I still have more if you want
Gilang: You spoil them, bro!
Pradana: That’s alright. I’m so happy you finally made it to my house. How long has it been?
Gilang: I don’t know, 7 years, I guess
Pradana: God! It’s been so long. I miss you brother!
Gilang: Yeah, I miss you too brother!
Pradana: I’m so happy for you and your family, bro
Gilang: Yeah, I’m so happy for you too, bro. You finally decided to get married
Pradana: Yeah, that’s a game changer in my life. I should’ve done it sooner
Gilang: I told you.
Katherine and Thania: Everybody! Lunch is ready!
Pradana: That’s our cue! Come on, let’s go
Gilang: Alright, Kids! Let’s go!
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Perkenalan Diri Saat Interview Kerja di
Sebagai penutup artikel kali ini, Kak Dikta akan menampilkan contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris yang biasanya terjadi pada sebuah interview kerja di perusahaan. Bagi kamu yang mungkin saat ini sudah berada di kelas 3 SMA, pengetahuan tentang interview kerja cukup penting lho untuk kamu jadikan bekal melangkah setelah kelulusan nanti. Yuk simak selengkapnya!
Google Image - Makan Siang Bersama Teman Kerja |
Aileen: Hello, I’m here for the interview
Receptionist: Owh, right. Please wait a moment, Mr Barn will be with you shortly
Aileen: Okay, thank you.
Receptionist: Can I get your name?
Aileen: It’s Aileen
(five minutes later)
Receptionist: Miss Aileen, Mr Barn is ready for you in his office
Aileen: Okay, which way is it?
Receptionist: It’s on the third floor. You may take the elevator
Aileen: Right, thank you.
(Knocking on door)
Mr Barn: Come in!
Aileen: Hello, Sir!
Mr Barn: Hi! Thank you so much for coming. Have a sit, please!
Aileen: Thank you, Sir!
Mr Barn: How are you?
Aileen: I’m fine, Sir. Thanks for asking!
Mr Barn: So, are you ready for the interview?
Aileen: Huuft, I hope so, hehe
Mr Barn: That’s alright, don’t be nervous. Take a deep breath and release!
Aileen: Hmmmm… huuuft, wow that actually feels good
Mr Barn: right? Haha Okay, let’s start. Tell me about your self
Aileen: My name is Aileen Suwondo. I was born on October 3rd 1998. I’m the eldest in my family and I have 2 brothers. I was graduated from Michigan University and my major is Biology. I have two years of experience as QC assistant in a local dairy factory back in my hometown. I am a hardworking person and I always give it my best to anything that I do in life. I am also a sociable person who loves to play Scrabble and Chess in my free time
Mr Barn: Excelent! Now can you tell me, why do you want this job and why do you think that we should hire you instead of anyone else?
Aileen: Working as the head of production is something that I always want to achieve ever since I worked as QC assistant in my previous job. With my two years experience, I believe I know the basic requirement to work as head of production in this factory and it will help me to catch up faster than anyone else without my experience.
Mr Barn: I see. If I decided to hire you, what is your salary range expectation?
Aileen: My salary expectation is between $36,000-$40.000, I believe this is the average salary for a candidate with my level of experience. However, should the company have different consideration, I am open for a discussion
Mr Barn: The number you are requesting is fine for our company, but we cannot give you that number fully in your first month. Will that be okay for you?
Aileen: Absolutely, Mr Barn. I am more than happy to accept it
Mr Barn: Good to know that! When can you start?
Aileen: I can start tomorrow if you want
Mr Barn: Alright, tomorrow it is. Congratulation, you got the job!
Aileen: Thank you so much, Mr Barn.
Mr Barn: It’s my pleasure. Please see my assistant on your way down, she will explain to you the details of the job.
Aileen: Thank you, Sir. I’ll see your assistant right away.
Bagaimana adik-adik, contoh percakapan yang kakak sediakan sudah lengkap
kan? Kakak harap begitu ya. Jika ada yang ingin request contoh dialog
Bahasa Inggris dengan tema tertentu, jangan ragu untuk meninggalkan
komentar ya. Kakak akhiri artikel kali ini sampai di sini, sampai ketemu
lagi di postingan menarik selanjutnya.