Setelah kemarin kita mempelajari beberapa contoh dialog singkat, kali ini Kak Dikta ingin menambahkan lagi koleksi dialog untuk adik-adik semua. Tema dialog kali ini adalah tentang hobi / kegemaran. Silahkan baca dan temukan contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris yang sesuai dengan hobimu. –
Google Image - Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi |
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi
Saat kita ingin membuat sebuah teks percakapan Bahasa Inggris, salah satu
tema yang mudah untuk dikembangkan adalah tentang hobi. Jika kamu kebetulan
sedang ingin membuat percakapan dengan tema ini, berarti kamu sedang berada
di tempat yang tepat. Karena pada artikel kali ini, kakak sudah menyiapkan
beberapa contoh dialog yang membahas tentang bermacam-macam hobi. Jika kamu
perhatikan, mungkin salah satu hobi yang kakak bahas dalam contoh
percakapan singkat di bawah ini adalah hobimu juga. Yuk langsung saja kita
simak selengkapnya.
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi Singkat
Contoh percakapan tentang hobi berikut ini sangat cocok untuk dibawakan oleh adik-adik yang masih di tingkat Sekolah Dasar (SD). Hal ini karena kakak sengaja menyusun nya dengan kalimat yang singkat dan sederhana, sehingga mudah sekali untuk dihafalkan.
Google Image - Bunga Enceng Gondok di Kolam Ikan Nila |
Reza: Hai Ardian, what are you doing?
Ardian: Hai Reza, I’m making a sand castle
Reza: Woow! That’s amazing!
Ardian: Yeah, thanks!
Reza: Is this your hobby?
Ardian: Yes, this is my hobby. I love making a sand castle
Reza: What do you like about it?
Ardian: I like it because it makes me feel like I am an architect
Reza: That is just amazing!
Ardian: What about you, Reza? What is your hobby?
Reza: Well, my hobby is playing Scrabble
Ardian: That’s cool! Why do you like it?
Reza: I like it because it helps me memorize lots of words
Ardian: Woow! We should play Scrabble sometime
Reza: Yeah! Absolutely!
Baca Juga: Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Liburan dan Terjemahannya
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi Sepak Bola
Nah, kalo untuk contoh percakapan yang satu ini, kakak yakin adik-adik pada suka. Karena temanya adalah tentang hobi bermain sepak bola. Hayoo, anak futsal mana suaranya?!
Google Image - Mencoba Helm Thor Ragnarok di Toko Mainan Kidz Station |
Bima: Put, let’s play soccer at the field
Putra: Okay! Wait here, okay. I’m going to call my friend first
Bima: Okay, but be quick, okay?!
Putra: Don’t worry about it. Hello, can I speak to Alif?
Alif: Yeah, it’s me. What’s up, Put?
Putra: Hei, do you want to play soccer with me at the field?
Alif: Yeah, sure! That would be fun!
Putra: Great! I’ll see you at the field, okay?!
Alif: Okay! I’ll be there in five minutes.
Putra: Nice! See you, bro!
Bima: So, what did he said? Is he coming?
Putra: Yes, he is! We’ll see him at the field
Bima: Alright, good! Do you think he likes soccer?
Putra: Yes, I do. Soccer is his hobby, and he is also really good at it
Bima: Seriously? Woow, this would be awesome!
Putra: Absolutely! Let’s go!
Baca Juga: Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Advice Singkat dan Artinya
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi Menyanyi
Meski kakak tidak begitu pandai bermain alat music, namun kakak sangat suka menyanyi sambil bermain gitar. Kalau kamu gimana? Apakah kamu juga suka menyanyi?
Google Image - Pengalaman Berjualan Burger dan Kentang Goreng |
Arlin: Good morning class!
Everyone: Good morning!
Arlin: Alright, can I have your attention for the next two minutes please?
Zelva: What’s up?
Arlin: Alright, as you know that the school talent competition is going to be held this week, so I need a list of students to represent our class in the event
Zelva: Owh, I see. I pass! I don’t have any talent to show, haha
Miko: Owh, come on, Zel. Everybody knows you like singing
Arlin: That’s right! Come on, Zel. I think we could win if you represent us
Zelva: No … no … no … I’m too nervous to sing in front of people
Miko: You sing in front of us all the time
Zelva: Come on, that’s different
Arlin: Yeah? How so?
Zelva: Yeah, I mean I’ve known you guys like forever
Miko: So, what’s the different? You know all people in this school too
Arlin: I’m with Miko, haha. I mean you have nothing to worry about, we’ll be there supporting you
Zelva: No, please don’t ask me to.
Miko: I tell you what, if you want to take part in this competition, we’ll be singing with you, so you don’t have to sing alone at the stage
Zelva: Are you serious? You guys would do that for me?
Arlin: Yeah, absolutely! So, what do you say?
Zelva: Hmm, alright, I’ll do it. But we have to practice
Miko: Okay, that’s great!
Baca Juga: Contoh Dialog Asking, Giving and Refusing Help Termudah
Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi Memasak
Bagi sebagian orang, memasak bukan hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan saja, namun merupakan sebuah hobi. Adik-adik ada yang suka masak nggak nih? Kalo kakak sih suka banget.
Google Image - Makan Siang Ayam Goreng dan Lele Goreng di Kosan Teman |
Dino: Hei, Riku! Do you have a minute?
Riku: Yeah, sure! What’s up?
Dino: What do you think if I take part in cooking competition?
Riku: Wow! Are you serious? I mean, do you even like cooking?
Dino: Yes, I’m serious. I Love cooking! It’s my hobby
Riku: Really?? How come I never see you cooking?
Dino: Well, that’s because I’ve been practicing in secret, haha
Riku: Hmm, I think you should do it if you really like it
Dino: Do you think so? Well, thank you for your opinion!
Riku: Yeah, I think so. I hope you can win the competition. Good luck!
Dino: Thank you so much.
Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Asking and Giving Opinion
Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi Membaca Buku
Hobi membaca buku menurut kakak merupakan salah satu hal penting yang perlu dilatih dalam diri setiap orang. Karena inilah kunci berkembangnya kemampuan setiap orang. Adik-adik semua harus senang membaca ya, kamu pasti akan merasakan manfaatnya nanti ketika kamu sudah dewasa.
Google Image - Papan Scrabble Standar Pertandingan |
Linda: Calista! Hello!
Calista: Owh, Sorry I didn’t hear you. What’s up?
Linda: Can you pass me the ball?
Calista: Owh, this one?! Yeah, sure! Here you go
Linda: Would you like to play with me?
Calista: Owh, no, you go ahead. I’ve got something to do
Linda: Okay, what are you doing anyway?
Calista: I’m reading this book about animal anatomy
Linda: Woow, it sounds interesting! Can I see?
Calista: Yeah, absolutely!
Linda: Woow, this book is interesting. Why do you read about this anyway?
Calista: It’s for my science project
Linda: Cool! You really like reading, don’t you?
Calista: Yeah, haha. What can I say, it’s my hobby since I was a child
Linda: That’s cool. That’s why you are really smart
Calista: haha, no, don’t say that
Linda: I mean it. You are the smartest student in our class
Calista: Thank you, that’s really nice of you
Linda: You know what, I’m gonna stop bothering you right now so you can finish your science project
Calista: Thank’s Linda
Linda: Come play badminton with me when you are done with your project, okay?!
Calista: Sure, that would be lovely!
Baca Juga: Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Singkat tentang Daily Activity
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi Berenang
Kamu suka berenang? Kalau iya, itu bagus sekali lho. Karena kalau kakak tidak salah, berenang adalah salah satu olahraga paling menyehatkan bagi tubuh. Contoh dialog kali ini akan membahas tentang hobi berenang, baca hingga selesai ya.
Google Image - Berenang di Bak Mandi |
Galardi: Yo! What’s up, bro!
Zenda: Yo! What’s up!
Galardi: What’s that?
Zenda: What? This? Owh this is a list of potential swimming coach for my little brother
Galardi: So, you are looking for a swimming coach. I can help with that
Zenda: You know someone?
Galardi: No, I mean, I can be the coach for your brother
Zenda: Seriously? That’s awesome! I didn’t know that you can swim
Galardi: Yeah, it’s been a while since the last time I went to public swimming pool. That’s why no one knows that I can swim
Zenda: Woow! What happened? I mean why did you stop swimming?
Galardi: Owh, no. I didn’t stop swimming. I love swimming. I just stop going to public pool because my Dad build one for me at my house
Zenda: That’s totally so cool!
Galardi: yeah, Ever since my father found out that I love swimming, he made up his mind that he want to build a swimming pool for me, so I can practice swimming whenever I want
Zenda: Woow! You really have an amazing Dad! So, are you sure that you want to train my brother?
Galardi: Yeah, absolutely! That would be fun! Just come to my house if you or your brother wants to practice
Zenda: Great! Thank you so much Gal!
Galardi: My pleasure, bro!
Baca Juga: 10 Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Singkat tentang Perkenalan
Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi Memancing
Untuk yang sering nonton acara memancing di TV, kamu pasti tau bahwa hobi memancing itu sangat seru. Apalagi saat dimana orang berteriak “Strike!” , suasana nya jadi makin mendebarkan. Kalau kamu suka memancing, contoh dialog berikut ini mungkin cocok untuk kamu bawakan di depan kelas.
Google Image - Aquarium Minimalis isi Udang Sungai dan Ikan Cere |
Gorman: Maximo! Hi! How are you?
Maximo: Gorman! It’s you! Hahaha, how long has it been?
Gorman: I don’t know, buddy. I haven’t seen you since our last trip to Valle de Chiese
Maximo: Woow! It’s a long time ago. Hei Gorman! Do you have any plan this weekend?
Gorman: Hmm, not really, why?
Maximo: Come with me to Lake Como, will you?
Gorman: Woow! That place is three hours away from my house. What are you going to do anyway?
Maximo: Well, it’s been a while since the last time we go fishing. I just want to stretch out my muscle
Gorman: Yeah, that’s right. Well, in that case, let’s do this! Let me make a call first, my friend own a boat in that place. Maybe we can borrow it for a while
Maximo: That’s a great idea!
Baca Juga: Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek untuk 3 Orang Beserta Artinya
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi Badminton
Hobi sejuta umat di Indonesia: Badminton, haha. Kakak juga nggak tau kenapa ya, tapi sepertinya banyak banget yang suka main badminton. Tapi kebanyakan sih mainnya nggak di lapangan, tapi di jalan depan rumah, atau bahkan di halaman. Apapun hobi nya, yang penting sehat dan happy lah ya, haha.
Google Image - Peluru Nerf Gun Tempel |
Eka: Hei, Rud! Where have you been?
Rudi: Hei, man! I’ve been busy with my thesis
Eka: That’s cool! So, how was it? Is it done?
Rudi: Yeah, it is! My graduation will be next month
Eka: Congratulation, man!
Rudi: Thanks, bro! Anyway, I want to talk to you about something
Eka: Yeah, shoot! bro!
Rudi: Would you like to be a badminton coach for my lecturer’s son?
Eka: Are you serious? Absolutely! I will be very happy to accept that
Rudi: So, how much do you think it’s gonna cost for every meeting?
Eka: Don’t think about it, bro. I don’t do it for the money. Badminton is my passion, so I’m happy doing it
Rudi: That is just so awesome, bro! I’ll let my lecturer know about this
Eka: Yeah, sure. Just let me know when he wants to start the training
Rudi: Roger that!
Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek untuk 2 Orang
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi Bola Basket
Adik-adik yang saat ini sudah duduk di bangku SMA, biasanya mulai menyukai olahraga bola basket nih. Topik ini sengaja kakak angkat kedalam contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris karena menurut kakak sepertinya akan banyak yang membutuhkan. Jika kamu penggemar bola basket, coba baca deh contoh dialog berikut ini.
Google Image - Papan Target Nerf Gun Tempel |
Zain: Bro! did you watch the game last night?
Nafiz: No, how was it?
Zain: Owh, it was so awesome!
Nafiz: Really? So, who is the winner?
Zain: It’s Miami Heat. They beat L.A. Lakers 110 – 104
Nafiz: Woow, that’s a tight game, dude!
Zain: Indeed!
Nafiz: Who is the top scorer of the game?
Zain: Hmm, I don’t know. It’s really tight between Caldwell-pope and Jimmy Butler
Nafiz: Woow! That’s fantastic! I’m definitely gonna watch the game on YouTube tonight
Zain: Yeah, you definitely should! Anyway, what about our training this weekend? Are you coming?
Nafiz: Yeah, absolutely!
Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek Bertemu Teman Lama
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi Main Skateboard
Kamu suka main skateboard? Jika iya, hati-hati saat sedang berlatih ya. Kalau bisa berlatihlah dengan ditemani orang yang sudah lebih jago, karena menurut kakak bermain skateboard adalah salah satu hobi yang agak berbahaya jika kita tidak berhati-hati. Contohnya saja seperti dalam percakapan Bahasa Inggris berikut ini:
Google Image - Desain Kolam Bola Mudah dan Murah |
Mom: Happy birthday sweetheart
Ron: Thank you, Mom! Did you get me a new skateboard?
Mom: Yes, I did. Here you go! Open it!
Ron: Yeaaay! Thanks, Mom! You are the best!
Mom: You are welcome, honey. Remember! You need to be more careful this time, or you will break your skateboard again. You are lucky that you are okay the last time
Ron: Okay, Mom. Can I try it now?
Mom: No, don’t play it inside, and wait until your father get home
Ron: Okay, Mom (secretly keep trying and accidentally bump into wall)
Mom: Ron!! What did I tell you?!
Ron: Ough . . . I’m so sorry Mom!
Mom: Look what you’ve done to yourself. Take this as your lesson! No more skateboarding inside the house!
Ron: Okay, Mom!
Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Liburan dan Artinya
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi Tenis Lapangan
Menurut kakak, olahraga Tenis Lapangan itu mirip dengan olahraga renang, kenapa? Karena Tenis Lapangan tidak bisa jika tidak dilakukan di lapangan, sama halnya dengan renang yang tidak bisa dilakukan jika tidak di kolam renang, hehe. Nggak jelas banget ya?! Haha, nggak apa-apa deh, yang penting kita belajar percakapan Bahasa Inggris dulu.
Google Image - Teman Jogging Terbaik |
Coach: Rhendy, run around the field three times and get back here
Rhendy: Yes, coach!
(a couple minutes later …)
Coach: Alright, good! Now, take a break and relax your muscle
Rhendy: Huft … can I get a drink coach?
Coach: No, not now! Lower your body temperature first
Rhendy: Roger that, coach!
Coach: Now take five minutes and do wall drills
Rhendy: Yes, coach!
(five minutes later …)
Coach: Good job, Rhendy! Okay, now you may drink some water
Rhendy: Thank you coach!
Coach: How do you feel?
Rhendy: I’m tired but excited in the same time, coach
Coach: That’s good! Keep it in mind. It helps a lot, especially when you start to feel like you want to stop
Rhendy: Thank you, coach, but I don’t think that I ever want to stop. I love tennis! This is just my world
Coach: Nice to hear that! Okay, break time is over, let’s play
Rhendy: Nice! Bring it on, coach!
Baca Juga: Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Virus Corona
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi Ikan Hias
Penggemar ikan hias mana suaranya?! Hehe. Kamu pelihara ikan apa nih di rumah? Kalo Kak Dikta sih sekarang pelihara ikan guppy dan ikan cupang. Hobi kamu tentang ikan hias ini bisa kita kemas dalam contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris lho, yuk simak contohnya.
Google Image - Tutorial Budidaya Ikan Cupang Termudah |
Chiko: Ton, I heard that you have successfully breed Betta fish. Is that true?
Toni: Owh yeah, it’s true. I have more than fifty Betta fish right now
Chiko: Woow, that’s awesome! Would you like to give me some of it? I’ve just bought an aquarium and I have nothing to put in it
Toni: Hmm, I’m sorry Chik, but I can’t just give it to you for free, because this is how I actually make money for myself and my family. If you like, I’ll give you special discount
Chiko: Owh, I see. In that case I’ll buy a pair of it as long as you teach me how to breed Betta fish
Toni: Absolutely! I’ll show you every step of it
Chiko: Nice! When will we start?
Toni: If you want to do it right now, let’s go
Baca Juga: Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap untuk Latihan di Rumah
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi Koleksi Mainan
Banyak banget orang yang suka koleksi mainan. Mulai dari koleksi action figure, gundam, mobil hotwheel dan lainnya. Nah, kali ini kakak ingin menyajikan sebuah contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang hobi koleksi mainan untuk adik-adik semua, dibaca ya.
Google Image - Koleksi Mobil Mainan Punya Ponakan |
Rian: Danen, can I go to your house this Sunday?
Danen: Yeah, sure
Rian: I want to see your collection of Gundam
Danen: Owh I see. Okay, just let me know when you want to come. I have some new Gundam that I bought last month, you can help me build them
Rian: Really? That’ awesome! I really wish I has money to buy Gundam too. How much did you spend to buy all of your collection?
Danen: Hmm, I’m not sure, but I think it’s around $1,000
Rian: Woow! That’s a lot of money
Danen: Not quite, some of my friends have spent more than $7,000 on their collection
Rian: Are you kidding me? You could’ve bought a car with that money
Danen: Yeah, I know haha, but it was worth it.
Rian: Yeah, I know. Especially when you can sell it for a higher price in the future, right?
Danen: That’s absolutely right. That’s why some people called this as an investment
Rian: Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. Alright, see you on Sunday
Danen: Okay! Hei, don’t forget to bring your Hotwheels collection, okay. I want to see it.
Rian: Roger that!
Baca Juga: Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Sehari-hari Orang Tua dan Anak
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi Makan
Wah, kalo untuk yang satu ini kayaknya hobi semua orang deh hehe. Semua orang pasti suka makan ya, tapi mungkin menu nya yang berbeda-beda. Kalau kamu sukanya makan apa nih? Apa jangan-jangan sama seperti contoh percakapan dibawah ini?
Google Image - Menu Terbaru Yoshinoya ada Keripik Bayamnya |
Arnold: Alright, everyone, are you ready for our Saturday night battle?
Renata: Hooo yeaah! Bring it on!
Juna: Yeaaah!
Arnold: Great! The rule is the same; the last man standing wins the money
Juna: Got it! I’m gonna beat you guys this time
Renata: Uuuw, not so fast handsome!
Arnold: Alright, our first menu is Double Cheese burgers!
Renata: Yeaaay! My favorite!
Arnold: Alright, get yourself ready, you have to finish it in three minutes to go to the next round. Are you ready?
Juna: Owh yeaah! Let’s do it!
(after two minutes …)
Renata and Arnold: Done! Hahaha
Renata: Come on, Jun, you can do it
Juna: I’m trying! Give me some water
Arnold: alright, counting down, 10, 9, 8, 7 …
Juna: Okay, done!
Renata: There you go!
Arnold: haha, that’s just the first round. Now let’s go to second round
Juna: Please be dessert!
Renata: Haha, in your dream!
Arnold: The next menu is Lasagne, haha
Juna: Owh noo! I’m so full
Renata: Owh, come on! Where is your spirit!
Arnold: Well, don’t worry; this time is going to be 15 minutes to clean it all up
Juna: Huuft, thank God!
(ten minutes later …)
Juna: That’s it! I quit, I can’t take it anymore, huft
Arnold: Come on, man, you can do it
Juna: No, thanks
Renata: Haha, I guess it’s just the two of us now
Arnold: I’m not sure about that, I think I can’t finish it too
Renata: Are you serious? Alright, I’ll show you guys what I can do, haha
Arnold: I can’t believe it that you can eat that much Ren
Renata: 1, 2, 3 … done, hahaha. Yeaah! Girl power, dude! Haha
Juna: Yeah, girls rule the world!
Oke deh selesai sudah kumpulan contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris kali ini.
Bagaimana menurutmu? Apakah ada contoh dialog yang sesuai dengan yang kamu
butuhkan? Semoga saja ada ya. Kakak akhiri sampai di sini, sampai jumpa
lagi di artikel lainnya. Terimakasih sudah berkunjung dan membaca tulisan
kakak hingga selesai. Have a great day!